How Do I Increase Sales in BigCommerce: 5 Effective Methods

BigCommerce Sales

How often do you visit a robust eCommerce platform and think, “What’s their secret to unbridled sales success?” Reflecting on the journey we’ve taken here at SCG Team, from the genesis at NetSuite’s SuiteCommerce Advanced Group to advising a diverse spectrum of clients, it’s clear: mastery of BigCommerce can make all the difference.

Now, delivering that mastery comes with a steep learning curve. With years of insight into digital commerce and a firsthand understanding of the evolving online marketplace, I’ll share strategies to elevate your BigCommerce operation.


Unlocking BigCommerce Potential

Harnessing the comprehensive capabilities of BigCommerce requires a discerning approach to digital commerce. As a virtuoso of eCommerce platforms, my focus has always been on extracting the maximal value from every feature offered by BigCommerce, ensuring that clients are not just operating their stores but optimizing them for unbridled growth and scalability.

The key to thriving within the BigCommerce ecosystem is the deployment of strategic enhancements akin to meticulously calibrating a high-performance engine. It’s about leveraging the extensive suite of tools – including advanced marketing functionalities, detailed analytics, and seamless integrations – that form the bedrock of a robust BigCommerce strategy. With such an arsenal at your disposal, the potential to propel your business to new heights is not just possible; it’s within grasp.


Optimize Your Product Listings

In the digital bazaar, visibility is king. Enhanced product listings serve as your front-line soldiers, fighting for consumer attention amidst the online inventory battleground. Crisp, high-quality images and SEO-friendly product descriptions can significantly lift your product above the melee.

Strategically structured information, providing clarity without overwhelming, is the keystone of a captivating product page. Incorporating keyword-rich titles and descriptions aids searchability, while concise bullet points keep readers engaged, steering them toward a purchase decision.

High-quality product listings result in a domino effect: better search engine visibility leads to increased traffic, boosting your sales metrics. Crafting an enticing and informative narrative around your products, adorned with scintillating visuals, encapsulates the buying proposition, invariably captivating your audience.


Streamline the Checkout Process

Efficiency at checkout is not a luxury, it’s a necessity for conversion maximization.

  • Ensure guest checkout options are available to expedite the process.
  • Streamline form filling with auto-fill capabilities and stored customer information.
  • Offer a variety of payment options to cater to different customer preferences.
  • Clearly display security badges to reinforce trust.
  • Implement a progress indicator to inform customers of the checkout sequence.
  • Provide clear, concise instructions for each step and error messages that help resolve issues.

Simplified navigation through the checkout funnel is paramount. Reducing friction during checkout directly correlates with lower cart abandonment rates.


Leveraging Marketing Strategies

In the pantheon of digital commerce, robust marketing strategies act as the sinews connecting products to consumers. Utilize SEO best practices, targeted email campaigns, and pay-per-click initiatives to funnel traffic effectively and enhance visibility.

Employing dynamic remarketing tactics further tightens this loop, ensuring your brand stays omnipresent in the minds of potential customers, nudging them towards conversion with striking precision.


Harness Social Media Influence

The key here lies in crafting captivating content that resonates with your audience. Develop a persona that embodies your brand’s values and inject life into your social media presence with regular posts, stories, and interactions. Foster a community rather than simply broadcasting—engage with your followers and incentivize user-generated content that champions your products.

Influencer partnerships can propel your brand into the spotlight in today’s digital ecosystem. Identify and collaborate with influencers who align with your brand ethos and have an engaged audience. When strategic and authentic, these partnerships can amplify your reach and lend credibility to your brand, driving sales through targeted exposure.

Furthermore, harness the power of social media advertising. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer sophisticated targeting options that allow you to reach potential customers based on demographics, interests, and behavior. Capitalize on these tools to drive focused campaigns that place your products in front of the right eyes. Segment your audience and tailor your messaging for maximum impact.

Lastly, integrate social shopping features directly into your BigCommerce store. Enable customers to make purchases without leaving the social app they’re using. Leverage shoppable posts and tags to create a seamless path from discovery to purchase. This blend of convenience and immediacy can significantly shorten the sales cycle, enticing customers to act on their impulses and facilitating swifter conversions.


Master Email Marketing Campaigns

Effective email marketing is an art—a symphony of strategy and execution. When done correctly, it transforms prospects into valuable customers and nurtures the loyalty that drives repeat business.

Segment your email list based on consumer behavior and purchase history to ensure successful campaigns. Personalized content speaks volumes over generic blasts. Tailor your messages to resonate with each segment, offering them products or guidance relevant to their interests. This precision improves engagement and can significantly increase the likelihood of conversion.

Automation is key to maintaining a consistent communication stream without exhausting resources. Use triggered emails for actions like cart abandonment, reminding customers of what they’ve left behind, or celebrating milestones such as birthdays with special offers. Such targeted touches can reactivate consumer interest and foster a personal connection with your brand.

Finally, constantly analyze and iterate your strategies to elevate your email marketing. A/B testing subject lines and call-to-actions can reveal insights into what motivates your audience. Incorporating user feedback fosters continuous improvement, ensuring that each campaign is more effective than the last. Enticing visuals and compelling copy are paramount, so it’s essential to refine these elements regularly to stay ahead in the dynamic landscape of eCommerce.


Enhancing User Experience

In the pursuit of increased sales, the seamless integration of user experience (UX) within BigCommerce platforms stands as a critical determinant. Scrutinizing every touchpoint—from product discovery, through navigation, to the actual transaction—ensures a frictionless journey for the user, which, in turn, enhances engagement and propels sales conversion rates. Robust BigCommerce designs must be intuitive, responsive, and absolutely user-centric, so that every feature and functionality serves to streamline the user’s path to purchase.

Exemplary user experience transcends mere aesthetics; it is about understanding and anticipating user needs. Investment in high-quality product images, detailed descriptions, and user-generated content such as reviews builds trust and informs purchasing decisions. Through strategic information architecture and persuasive design elements, a clear and compelling value proposition crystallizes at every point, guiding the user smoothly toward conversion.


Personalize Customer Journeys

Personalization is the cornerstone of modern eCommerce, the key that unlocks enhanced customer satisfaction and increased sales velocity. In BigCommerce, as in life, no two customers tread identical paths, and their journeys should reflect unique preferences, histories, and behaviors.

A BigCommerce store thrives when it tailors the customer experience, drawing on data to present relevant product recommendations, personalized promotions, and individualized communication. Behind the scenes, complex algorithms churn through customer data, identifying patterns and preferences, then deploying this intelligence to guide customers along a bespoke path that feels both intuitive and exclusive.

Moreover, personalization extends to proactive engagement with customers. Consider automated triggers that initiate contact when a customer shows interest in a product or abandons a cart. Such timely interventions can gently nudge the customer back into an active dialogue with your brand, increasing the likelihood of a completed transaction.

Effective personalization also requires a keen understanding of your customer’s journey through analytics and feedback loops. By relentlessly monitoring and tweaking the personalized elements of your BigCommerce site, you can ensure that your digital storefront continues to resonate with the preferences of each unique visitor. Crafting these experiences requires expertise and a deft hand, traits I bring to our client partnerships at SCG, ensuring that their customers’ journeys aren’t just satisfactory—they’re exceptional.


Mobile Optimization is a Must

In today’s digital marketplace, mobile responsiveness is non-negotiable. A significant portion of traffic and sales stems from mobile devices—an unmistakable trend that BigCommerce storefronts must accommodate. Ignoring this shift could not only diminish potential sales but also harm your brand’s reputation.

The user interface (UI) on mobile devices demands meticulous attention to detail. Proper scaling of images, responsive design layouts, and seamless checkout processes are all crucial components. They ensure that your mobile experience is not just a scaled-down version of your desktop site, but a thoughtfully tailored interface that prioritizes ease and efficiency for on-the-go customers.

Optimizing for mobile also means considering the speed of your pages. Mobile users often have less patience and more distractions than desktop users, so a slow-loading page can be the deciding factor between a sale and an abandoned cart. Implementing accelerated mobile pages (AMP) can offer a streamlined, fast-loading version of your store to keep mobile users engaged.

Finally, integration of mobile-specific features such as touch-optimized controls, geolocation targeting, and one-click payment options can profoundly enhance the mobile shopping experience. These are just a few of the mobile-centric strategies that, when executed effectively, can turn casual browsing into repeat purchases. Under my leadership at SCG, we ensure that these considerations are meticulously woven into the fabric of your BigCommerce strategy, driving sales and bolstering customer loyalty.

BigCommerce Sales

Data-Driven Sales Growth

Harness the power of analytics to identify patterns and trends within your BigCommerce store that pinpoint growth opportunities.

By combining transactional data with customer insights, and leveraging tools such as Google Analytics and BigCommerce analytics, strategic decisions are formed that align with consumer behaviors and preferences.

Effective utilization of analytics empowers optimization of your e-commerce strategy for maximum sales impact, driving continuous improvement and success.


Utilize BigCommerce Analytics

Robust analytics are critical for strategic decision-making and driving BigCommerce sales growth.

  1. Monitor Store Performance: Regularly assess your store’s data to understand sales trends, product performance, and customer behavior.
  2. Analyze Customer Data: Dig into customer demographics, purchase histories, and engagement metrics to personalize marketing efforts.
  3. Evaluate Marketing Campaigns: Use data to determine the success of your advertising and promotions, adjusting tactics accordingly for better ROI.
  4. Understand Traffic Sources: Identify where your visitors are coming from to optimize your channels and focus on the most profitable sources.
  5. Improve Product Strategies: Utilize sales and inventory data to manage stock levels, optimize product listings, and plan for future inventory demands. Data interpretation unlocks hidden growth potential within your eCommerce operations. Implementing data-backed changes can significantly enhance the shopper’s journey and conversion rates.


A/B Testing for Conversion Success

In the ecosphere of eCommerce optimization, A/B testing stands as the cornerstone of empirical decision-making, empowering merchants to finetune every digital touchpoint with precision and confidence.

A/B testing is not conjecture; it is a science of choice.

Yet, executing strategic A/B tests demands a meticulous structure and unwavering commitment to methodical analysis, yielding actionable insights from customer interactions.

Each variant in an A/B test unveils facets of consumer behavior, informing decisions that gradually sculpt the user experience into an artefact of efficiency and appeal.

Indeed, these incremental enhancements, born of A/B test revelations, accumulate to deliver a compelling customer journey that elevates conversion rates and solidifies brand loyalty.

Embrace A/B testing as a continuous process, part of your brand’s DNA, and witness measurable advancements in users’ interactions with your digital storefront.



Boosting sales in BigCommerce requires a strategic approach tailored to the platform’s features. First and foremost, optimize your product pages with compelling and detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and customer reviews to build trust. Leverage BigCommerce’s SEO tools to enhance visibility on search engines, driving more organic traffic. Implementing targeted promotions, discounts, or bundling options can entice customers, taking advantage of BigCommerce’s flexible pricing features. Utilize the platform’s built-in marketing tools and integrate with social media platforms to broaden your reach. Additionally, prioritize a seamless and secure checkout process to minimize cart abandonment. Constantly analyze sales data through BigCommerce analytics to identify trends and refine your strategies. For personalized assistance or further insights, feel free to contact Seibert Consulting Group at or phone 760-205-5440.