ERP Implementation

We recognize that transparency is advantageous to all parties engaged in an ERP deployment as a partner in the implementation process. A common commitment to openness can help with cost overruns, change management, data cleanliness and migration, project management, and more. 

In this article, we’ll examine how openness might enhance ERP installations from a birds-eye perspective. Because we have experience on both sides of the equation, we will also discuss the viewpoints of the ERP implementation partner and the client. 


Transparency of the ERP implementation partner during the sales and discovery 

Each sale, discovery, and ERP implementation process is unique, but they should all begin with a foundation of transparency. The practice of routinely deceiving prospective customers will eventually catch up with you. 

During an upgrade, something will go wrong, data will disappear, a dashboard won’t update, or worse, the implementation team will be requested to remedy the issue. This can reduce the number of hours that are available, postpone things, or even cost the business the client. 

It is crucial for partners to effectively express their capabilities, knowledge of the potential customer’s business and difficulties, expertise in putting the suggested solution into practice, and references from happy clients. 

No matter how imperfect, being honest pays off. The implementation partner might not possess the precise knowledge the potential client is looking for, but this does not rule the partner out of consideration or render them unable to provide a long-term solution. 

The suggested ERP might not also be a fully integrated solution. It might not be the best choice for them and may need considerable adjustments and/or integrations. Perhaps the most crucial step in the sales and discovery process is comprehending and conveying this message. 

Both parties can save time, money, resources, and any reputational harm, and it can aid in obtaining executive sponsorship. 


Why should the client be concerned 

Being as open and honest as you can during the sales and discovery process is the best course of action. On rare occasions, this entails acknowledging your ignorance. 

A higher success percentage for the actual implementation and go-live will result in reducing the possibility of surprises later on. Cost reductions and general happiness will also follow. as well as preventing an ERP failure


Transparency with customers during the planning phase 

After choosing an ERP and implementation partner, the task of turning the figurative cruise ship begins. Planning typically involves organizing project teams, assisting in the definition of system requirements for the implementation partner, and collaborating with them on the implementation strategy for clients. 

Customers will form an implementation team, establish a chain of command, and decide on their preferred methods of internal and external communication. A gap analysis and the development of an issue escalation process are also beneficial. 

It is simpler to maintain transparency throughout the implementation when these elements are confirmed. Internal strife should be avoided before the implementation and training process begins. 


Why the ERP implementation partner should be concerned 

Similar steps are taken by partners and clients, but understanding system needs and deciding on an implementation strategy are given more importance. People with experience in a particular sector or with a particular product will be assembled into implementation teams, and they will be in charge during the planning and execution phases. 

Transparency and communication should be the keystones of any implementation plan, whether it be a staggered rollout, hybrid, parallel adoption, etc. 

Partners can set a baseline of consumer transparency throughout the planning. In an ideal world, customers would have the opportunity to request more visibility. This fosters accountability and mutual trust. 

For instance, the SCG team often speaks with customers to check in on progress, and we use kanban boards, Jira, and SmartSheet to show project status. Both passive and active channels for project status monitoring are provided by this combination. 

Regular phone calls, emails, Slack channels, designated project managers, and mutually agreed-upon issue escalation processes are all part of our communication strategy. 


Transparency of the ERP implementation partner throughout implementation and testing 

The channels for communication and escalation created during the planning stage should be actively utilized at this point. By strengthening the mutually agreed-upon checks and balances, everyone needs to play their share. 

When necessary, implementation partners should step up and disclose obstacles or new information that may require additional funding or create project delays. Positive news can be tempered by open and honest communication, which may also make obvious problems easier to solve. 

It might be a good idea to assess the customer’s satisfaction with the current communication and escalation procedures during the more formal benchmark review meetings. For instance, perhaps the biweekly calls can replace the weekly ones, or the project can include a new team member. 

At particular checkpoints, providing a platform for feedback can ease anxiety and guarantee that responsibilities and expectations are in line. 


Why do customers require transparency?

Being given this much authority over a business might be unsettling, but open communication and transparency help to reduce the anxiety. 

Although customers may feel like passengers in their own vehicles, it is their responsibility to take the driver’s seat and control the implementation process. This is crucial, especially for tasks including data migrations, system integrations, training, and organizational change management. 

We always remind our customers of this beneficial activity. Just inquire if you need more information or if you have any questions. We’re here to assist you! 


Customer openness before, during, and after go-live 

The majority of the testing and checklists should, by this point, have ruled out the major hitches that can happen during a go-live, but unforeseen problems can still emerge. Working with an ERP that is only partially functional can be disastrous; therefore, now is not the time to be cautious. 

At Seibert Consulting Group, we’ve carried out go-lives effectively in almost every scenario. Our entire customer service team has worked directly on-site at client locations, completely remotely, or through a hybrid strategy. Our team’s availability and reactivity were the common characteristics that contributed to the success. Additionally, we provide post-go-live assistance to make sure everything runs smoothly for an entire billing cycle. a look at our case studies. 


Why the ERP implementation partner needs transparency as well 

It is better to keep things as they are at the go-live by maintaining the same level of transparency that has proven effective throughout the project. The amount of communication will probably increase as more systems go online and transition. Currently, availability is the most valuable skill. 

It is recommended practice to designate certain resources to assist the client with questions, problems, and assistance. The ERP implementation partner should check in after go-live to make sure nothing went wrong and to finish off any loose ends. 

With this degree of care and openness, it is hoped that the client will come back and/or serve as a reference for potential future clients.


Taking Your Business to the next step can only come to reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in delivering modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.