Using industry-leading best practices, NetSuite Warehouse Management is a tool for streamlining your everyday warehouse operations. Your warehouse will operate more effectively and cost-effectively with intelligent technology-based pick and packaging procedures, cycle integration, handheld barcode scanning, and full interaction with shipping systems.

With exceptional efficiency at every step, NetSuite Warehouse Management assists the user in carrying out crucial duties that range from the receiving and storage of goods to their picking and shipping. Every transaction is immediately updated in NetSuite’s inventory record as it happens in the warehouse and is then reported in real time. To guarantee that you consistently meet customer standards, eliminate manual processes.


Advantages of NetSuite Warehouse Management

  • With the use of barcode scanning with mobile devices, make the process of capturing incoming data simple.
  • From the time inventory enters the warehouse until it departs, keep track of it.
  • Enhance opportunistic multi-order picking along with pick route efficiency.
  • Maximize your use of the room and choose the best storage options with ease.
  • Reduce picking mistakes and incorrect fulfilment with thorough data validation.


Receipt of Goods

Utilizing the NetSuite Warehouse Management system, inbound logistics enables warehouse staff to plan and handle the best transportation, receipt, and inventory storage. Users can make sure that the receipt and storage of things happen quickly by using the mobile app.

  • Items will be correctly and precisely received with the help of mobile receipts and predetermined putting-away strategies. All pertinent data will be quickly collected and added to inventory records to guarantee the best use of the items.
  • By using a quality control procedure for incoming materials, quality assurance means that every item enters your warehouse as anticipated. You can create inbound inspection plans, specify pass/fail criteria, set accountable parameters, and decide what happens to failed items.
  • When an item is received, the mobile app instantly allows inventory scanning to be visible to the appropriate NetSuite processes and resources.
  • The software can recommend the best bins for mobile carriers based on predetermined item attributes thanks to predefined inbound putaway strategies.
  • Receiving special purchase and transfer orders is made easier and faster by purchase order receipt. Additionally, it is possible to handle return authorization management for goods that arrive at your warehouse rapidly.
  • Apply full shipments’ landed costs as opposed to individual item receipts.


Inventory Management

To maximize profits, your warehouse area must be used effectively. This becomes more significant as new products are introduced to your portfolio and as peak seasons approach.

Define warehouse zones to ensure things are stored in the most suitable locations and provide enough room for new shipments.

The location of fast-moving inventory, which you store conveniently to make it accessible to warehouse pickers who handle orders, can also be used to optimize the layout of the warehouse.

The NetSuite mobile app enables cycle tracking, bin transfers, and replenishments to be started from within the app.

To better organize receiving and picking orders, track things by bins. Users can pick up, move, and receive things inside a space without bins, which is great for retailers and small businesses.

With NetSuite Smart Count, you can automate inventory counts without stopping the location’s operations, increasing accuracy and productivity. While the count is going on, Smart Count keeps track of transactions and alerts counters so they can adjust their tally.


Order Processing

You can standardize and streamline these processes with the help of features in NetSuite Warehouse Management, such as the ability to define pick strategies, delegate pick tasks, and bin sequences. Therefore, efficiency rises while mistakes are made less frequently.

Using criteria like anticipated ship date, customer, shipping method, and more, wave release allows the identification of the right orders to be released to the warehouse for picking. This results in significant efficiency improvements.

Pick strategies allow NetSuite to locate the appropriate suggested item lots based on particular ideas. The software will guide pickers throughout the picking process to ensure inventory is used exactly how you intend.

Pick a zone and route for single and multiple orders to improve process optimization. The system finds chances for cluster picking so that the items for several orders can be picked at once during fulfillment.

Pack Station contributes more knowledge. Using the kiosk device, you can identify selected products that will be shipped via the same routes, pack them together in a single shipment with unique carton labels, and more. This reduces the price and duration of delivery.

Cross-subsidiary fulfillment allows you to complete requests from any location, maximizing inventory use and delivery times.  Utilize pre-established rules to automatically designate a fulfillment location based on business rules, location, and inventory availability.


Adaptive Mobility

The robust mobile app provided by NetSuite Warehouse Management makes it possible to perform all everyday operations-related tasks on a mobile device. This results in gains in efficiency, a decline in human error, and precise, real-time information visibility.

  • Using a mobile device to take and keep pertinent data will help you maintain data accuracy.
  • To ensure things are stored where they should be, improve putaway procedures with step-by-step procedures.
  • By directing users to the exact location of the items and requiring the scanning of bins upon selecting items, you can improve picking accuracy.
  • Force scanning, which guarantees accurate data capture validated against the initiating transaction, optimizes order fulfillment. As a result, customer support representatives and warehouse managers can keep tabs on sales progress and prevent expensive picking mistakes.
  • View everything in real time as things are scanned through your warehouse.


What issues is NetSuite Warehouse Management designed to solve?

  • Data entry mistakes: When receiving orders via the mobile app, item characteristics are entered at that moment.
  • Lack of visibility in the warehouse: track the state and quantity of items by bin position as they move through the warehouse.
  • Ineffective use of warehouse space: By storing quickly moving goods near fulfillment centers and combining related goods, your warehouse layout will be improved.
  • Order picking mistakes: The mobile app’s effective processes show users how to pick each order step-by-step.



Taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we provide modern solutions to businesses that fully utilize the NetSuite ERP, SuiteCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce eCommerce platforms. We always customize our solutions to meet Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Contact us via our chatbot or email at hello@seibertconsulting.com and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.