Magento and NetSuite SuiteCommerce are some of the most popular eCommerce solutions that many businesses may consider. It is time that you choose the most ideal for Your Business. Which one has better Returns On Investment (ROI)? 

First, Magento is an eCommerce solution that is widely used by thousands of businesses across the globe. However, its functionality is highly dependent on applications, extensions, and middleware. This should make you reconsider Your Business ROI. Therefore, you must make informed decisions when it comes to choosing an eCommerce solution for Your Business.

In this blog, we recommend choosing NetSuite ERP and SuiteCommerce as the best eCommerce solution because they have a higher ROI than Magento. Since SCG Team,  Seibert Consulting Group are experts in eCommerce and a NetSuite Solution Provider, we find it prudent to give you a clear insight into why NetSuite ERP and SuiteCommerce combination is better than Magento when it comes to ROI. Here is why:

Cost of Upgrading Magento

Magento always advises its customers to upgrade to their latest versions for better functionality and features. In fact, Magento goes further to cease offering technical support to their old software. Therefore, you must do an upgrade in order to take full advantage of Magento. As a result, all the codes, frameworks, and extensions have to be reviewed so that it becomes compatible with your web store.

Suppose you think that you are good to go because you had uploaded your favorite theme, then you might be wrong because the new Magento software might not support some of your themes and extensions. This means that you will have to start everything from scratch. Besides, migrating to Magento 2 is a manual process and you must find the right developers to help you during the entire practice. This will ultimately require your business to invest resources in order to get everything working as required. The entire migration is just like you are shifting your business to another eCommerce platform. Why choose a platform that requires entire change when shifting?

Suppose you were using Magento and you have a dilemma on deciding whether to upgrade to Magento 2 or integrate the NetSuite ERP solution, then you do not need to go through the entire hassle of Magento 2 migration.

  • NetSuite manages the maintenance and upgrades related to SuiteCommerce Advanced to align with your business
  • SuiteCommerce advanced naturally integrates with NetSuite’s CRM, ERP, and business management suite.

Generally, you should be able to ask yourself Why you should do business with a platform that requires a lot of resources and effort when upgrading? You need a solution that integrates well with your businesses and upgrades are done seamlessly.

Why Magento Does not Deliver Better ROI Than NetSuite ERP

Despite the ever-evolving eCommerce industry, Magento has portrayed its rigidity in the following factors which lead to minimal ROI.

  • Magento continues to use Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (SaaS). These solutions cannot be compared with cloud solutions such as NetSuite SuiteCommerce Advanced because they are not secure and less scalable.
  • Magento is not designed as accounting or an ERP system. It needs third-party systems, extensions, plugins, and even middleware in order to run eCommerce computational processes. On the other side, NetSuite Suitecommerce is a full package solution because of its ability to integrate with CRM, ERP, business management suite, and point of sale natively.


Taking Your Business to the next step can only come to reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At SCG Team, Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in delivering modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help your business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.