Shopify Theme design

The time has come to update the website for your business. Shopify has been selected as your new platform. You feel secure in your decision because of its reasonable price structures and unique feature set that offers a wealth of customizability. 

You are unsure of how to get started or what to anticipate for your online business. Let SCG Team be of assistance. To create the finest possible new online shop for each client, we offer specialized solutions. This is what we do: 


Shopify design

The terms “design” and “function” refer to two equally significant aspects of site planning. Both components should be given the same consideration and care to create a fantastic website that meets clients’ expectations.


Beauty design

Design fads shift quickly. With Shopify, it’s simple to adopt a contemporary look that communicates your brand’s core principles to your target market. 

Shopify makes it simple to design an online business that perfectly matches by making thoughtful decisions in: 

  • Font selection 
  • Layouts of colors 
  • Level of Tone Information 
  • supplied links 
  • Interactivity level 

Your new website will draw in more visitors while still seeming familiar to your regular, devoted clients. Why not love, right? 


Off-Site Planning 

When copy and branding on external websites match your new one, they have the most significant impact. Customers who switch between applications are confused by inconsistent branding, which creates dissonance. 

We make it simple to update your email templates, logo branding, and ad designs to match your new site’s appearance. The transfer procedure will be seamless, streamlined, and all-inclusive. 


Effective Design 

Function and form must coincide. Customers will perceive priorities as being out of sync on a website that appears excellent but loads slowly, which can raise bounce rates. 

With Shopify’s top-tier system and our heat mapping, which helps identify user experience bottlenecks and widens them with consistent, long-term support, interactive, responsive elements can be designed. 

Utilizing these special resources improves the experience your customers have at your business. 


Development Benefits 

A headless development methodology is what SCG Team uses when you collaborate with us to create a custom website. This enables your front-end designers and developers to work and create without being constrained by back-end code. 

It’s very simple to incorporate your CRM software into your website using Shopify and SCG Team. Because all your data is collected in one location and entered automatically, you can conclude more quickly and devote more time to decision-making. 


Platform Switching 

The time has come to migrate your data from the old site to the new one once you have decided how your site and copy should look and have the design coded. 

This is made simple through a collaboration with the SCG Team, who take care of several moving pieces, such as: 

  • Data 
  • Catalogs
  • Blog
  • Reviews 
  • Consumer and order details 

Thanks to our knowledge of Shopify and its extensive feature set, we simplify a tedious aspect of the process. 


Research on SEO and marketing 

We’re unsatisfied, even though we’ve finished creating your Shopify site. Instead, we assist in future-proofing your website. 

SCG Team covers the research and use of fresh SEO strategies as the SEO industry develops. We are unaware of how crucial customer connections are, which is why search engines have surpassed redirect advertisements in lead-generating relationships. 

We work with you to develop technical and content text that will draw visitors to your new website and make them appreciate your Shopify design. Return on investment is guaranteed by data-driven analysis of relevant keywords and phrases. Growth comes from outside the site as much as it does from within when combined with social media ad management. 



Taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in providing modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.