BigCommerce Features

Are you utilizing all that BigCommerce has to offer if you use it to run your online store? Numerous natural features offered by BigCommerce enable retailers to virtually twice the industry average rate of revenue growth. Using BigCommerce’s integrated abandoned cart saver, Enjuku Racing, a retailer of auto components, recovered more than $425,000 in sales. 

Are you utilizing BigCommerce’s native capabilities for your online store as well? More than a dozen elements in BigCommerce’s integrated conversion optimization tools assist online retailers in converting browsers into customers. 


Save for Abandoned Carts 

Sixty-five percent of customers leave their shopping carts empty before proceeding to the final checkout page. The abandoned cart saver reminds customers via emails and encourages them to finish their purchases. For optimum impact, it sends emails at the most advantageous times. This service recovers an average of 15% of lost sales for BigCommerce users. 


Checkout on a Single Page 

BigCommerce’s single-page checkout streamlines the process and provides dedicated SSL support for a quicker checkout. Your consumers won’t be transferred to another website during the checkout process. By enhancing your consumers’ sense of security and convenience during checkout, this functionality increases the conversion rate by up to 12%. More customers are making purchases on their mobile devices, so it also applies to your mobile website. 


Filters make searches better. 

Shoppers can quickly find the item they’re looking for using the advanced search tool. Customers may promptly locate the goods using filters for qualities like size, color, brand, and other specific ones. There is a chance that adding filter searches will boost conversion by up to 10%. Additionally, the restricted search can provide other products through suggested searches, enabling the customer to view more products than they otherwise might have. 


Internal Coupons 

Who doesn’t enjoy deals and sales? Flash sales, percentage discounts, shipping discounts, and other promotions may all be created using the built-in discounting capabilities in BigCommerce. By altering the discount rules, you may conduct a smooth campaign. Discounts encourage clients to buy your products, which boosts your sales. 


Product Evaluations 

You can set up product reviews on your website without a third-party program. This built-in feature from BigCommerce can increase sales and improve SEO. The application may be configured to send emails to your consumers asking for reviews soon after making a purchase. 


Most recent products viewed. 

Recently seen products are a terrific tool to keep your products in a customer’s mind while they quickly browse through your pages. It appears at the bottom of the product page and reminds your customers of what they just looked at. Multiple reminders may pique their curiosity and prompt them to add that item to their shopping basket.


What Next?

Taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in providing modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.