NetSuite Sandbox

A child experimenting while playing in a Sandbox? They can test however they choose, adding and removing components before demolishing the sandcastle and starting over. Building and problem-solving are enjoyable activities for kids but also educational. This idea is used as a digital environment in the NetSuite Sandbox. A business can test its NetSuite customizations on this platform’s cutting-edge technology and capabilities before implementing them in the real world. 

Businesses may test-drive, observe, and evaluate how their version of the NetSuite ERP system will function, just like a kid in a sandbox. You aren’t making any commitments because things can be added or removed. The sandcastle can be destroyed and rebuilt from scratch. The NetSuite Sandbox is a fantastic way to test new functionality, train staff, address problems, and test integrations with third-party software. 


Defining the NetSuite Sandbox 

Users can test new ideas in the NetSuite Sandbox without having their main account affected. This testing environment is part of NetSuite. Here, you can experiment with changes to a copy of your current business management software. All of your experimenting here is secure because no actual transactions will occur. 

The word “sandbox” refers to the fact that this is a platform for testing favorite programs without purchasing them. Although you can show how the technology could benefit your company by using its full potential, nothing here is definite. 

The NetSuite Sandbox is a fantastic solution if you value extensive system customization. It connects with SuiteScript, SuiteFlow, and other NetSuite apps to provide significant customization in the test environment. You receive a safe, isolated trial platform where dangerous online attacks are restrained, and the possibility of the program being harmed is very low. Employee training will be possible without affecting production procedures, and risk-free completion of challenging projects will be possible. You can incorporate your work into operational systems when happy with the results. 


Top NetSuite Sandbox Features 

The optimum setting for testing ERP software is the NetSuite Sandbox. Before deploying any feature into the live system, you can design and change it to see how it works. Key elements include 

  • The capability of repairing faults and problems with already-installed customizations and features. 
  • Utilize a perfect simulation of your production environment, where you may create new tools and modify old ones without affecting the existing systems. 
  • Try out SuiteApps or modules from outside providers without any repercussions. 
  • Conduct employee training sessions and keep records of new and current features and procedures. 
  • Before deploying new customizations and features, test them. 

Among the few companies that allow businesses to preview business management functions before you buy is NetSuite. In addition to offering proper on-demand testing, NetSuite Sandbox enables a company to examine its customizations before deploying, helping it to avoid costly app rewrites. By implementing features, you essentially reduce the probability that they will ultimately fail. Your options include the following: 

  • To find issues and fix them, environments should be optimized and third-party software integrations tested. 
  • Before entering them into General Ledger reports test transactions and other items. 
  • Share pertinent information and data with outside parties for research without interfering with your current procedures. 

A NetSuite Sandbox account might be ideal if any of this sounds helpful. 


There exist many kinds of NetSuite Sandbox accounts.

1. Standard

This gives you a precise replica of your active account to test out essential features and customizations without impacting your live systems. 

2. Development

This is designed for third-party collaboration and has all the capabilities of a Standard account. Although your company’s data will be kept private and safe, external parties can access the account. 

3. Premium

Because it is meant for high-volume exploration, this account is different from a Standard account. It facilitates high-performance operations and massive production data sets, acting like your live system account. 


I want to create a NetSuite Sandbox account. 

A NetSuite Sandbox account can be created easily. You merely register at and submit a Sandbox Refresh request. An exact clone of your database will be built over the next one to two business days, at which point you can begin interacting with it in your Sandbox account. 


What is the price of a NetSuite Sandbox account? 

The cost is determined by taking 10% of the total cost of the NetSuite modules and users. There are minimum pricing for both, and for a Premium account, it is computed at 20% of that amount. 


Choosing Wisely for Your Business 

The Sandbox is an excellent choice to examine NetSuite features or modernize legacy operations. It gives you a mechanism for risk-free end-testing of client data and configurations. It is a safety net designed to catch your company before it collapses when exploring new systems; doing so is risky when trying unique customizations, alterations, or integrations. 

If you use NetSuite, you should invest in a Sandbox account and want to experiment with further customizations and integrations.


Finally, taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in delivering modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.