BigCommerce Apps

For a good reason, BigCommerce is one of the most widely used eCommerce platforms. Due to its simplicity, many business owners may easily set up their online storefronts. The platform’s hundreds of robust connectors and apps speed up the process of designing the ideal storefront. You don’t need to be a computer guru to create an eCommerce business, thanks to BigCommerce’s plug-and-play apps. Utilizing all the available resources will allow you to effortlessly scale your business and offer customers a distinctive shopping experience. 

In our opinion, here is a list of the top five reliable BigCommerce apps. 


Email marketing requires a lot of time. You already have too many hats to wear to run a successful eCommerce business. You are the company’s CEO, product manager, customer service expert, and marketing whiz! Can you find the time to devote to your email campaigns? 

For BigCommerce users who want to enhance their email marketing game, Klaviyo is our preferred option. It is a backend powerhouse that uses detailed data and customer behavior to produce the best email marketing campaigns. With the help of Klaviyo’s technology, BigCommerce data can be transformed into insightful statistics on your customers’ buying habits. Due to Klaviyo’s collection of automated email content and layouts, you don’t even need to spend much time on email marketing. 



It’s similar to setting up a shelf display that effectively promotes purchasing to present your products online. You should make it simple for customers to find suitable products because you can’t assist them in person. 

To enhance retail conversions, Nextopia offers eCommerce search solutions. With its site search feature, you may get precise results and adaptable, customer-specific product recommendations. Additionally, you may arrange your goods according to their cost, color, or other characteristics, making it simple for customers to find what they want. 



Positive customer feedback is more valuable to online firms than billboard advertising. However, not many clients would go over and beyond to post a favorable review. 

You can find a solution with Yopto. The site encourages product reviews by reminding customers via email. The problem? Customers don’t need to exit their email app to post a review. You may compile all of your reviews in one location. Yopto users have experienced a 30 percent – 120 percent increase in conversion rate by integrating reviews from other social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! 

Additionally, by gathering and promoting user-generated content from Instagram, you may strengthen the legitimacy of your business. Before showing consumers’ Instagram photographs on your website, Yopto’s AI will automatically get their consent. Does it get any easier to establish an online business than this? 



The final step in completing a successful online sale is shipping. While you don’t want to overcharge your consumers for delivery, you also don’t want to lose money due to incorrectly estimated shipping costs. 

With the help of ShipperHQ’s sophisticated rate calculating engine, you can fully customize your shipping choices. You can use various carriers and alter your delivery costs according to geographical regions, product weight, and cost. Establishing guidelines for surcharging, reducing, or offering free shipping during a campaign is simple. 



One of the greatest inventions in computer history is Ctrl+Z. A program called Rewind does just that, but it does it for your internet business. 

Once Rewind is installed, backing up your store’s data, including product information, customer data, order history, and more, with only one click. Accidents can still occur even if your eCommerce shop is hosted on a cloud server. The best thing you can do to safeguard your necessary data is to use Rewind to automatically backup that data. If something goes wrong, you may simply rewind your store and keep all of your hard work.

In a nutshell, taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in providing modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.