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An online store cart is an essential tool for any online store because it determines the conversion rate of Your Business. Choosing the type of cart that suits your online shop is also indispensable because every cart comes with its features. At Seibert Consulting Group, we recommend Shopify as the best online store cart because of the following reasons:

1. Shopify Has Better User Experience for Mobile

Many purchases made by customers are usually done on mobile. Some customers prefer using mobile applications, while others prefer going to their mobile browser to make purchases. At the end of the day, the bottom line is that orders are made using a mobile device. Therefore, Shopify carts are ideal because they have an impressive User Interface (UI) for mobile, and the customers can easily navigate to your order page.

2. Shopify Has Committed Customer Support Agents

What is more important than having someone’s ear when you face a challenge? Shopify carts may run into problems at times, especially when you have customers in the pipeline. Therefore, you would want an immediate response and fix on your online shopping cart. You will not have to spend your resources on the troubleshooting process with the Shopify cart because the Shopify engineers get you covered.

3. Shopify is Designed to Sell on Apple Pay and Social Media

Social media is the home of many clients and customers nowadays. Unlike other online store carts, Shopify carts come with a connection to social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Besides, your customers can also purchase your products on Apple Pay. Suppose you may want to sell on other channels; Shopify allows you to find a plugin that aligns with Your Business’ requirements.

4. Shopify Manages the Server for Your Business

One of the core infrastructures of an online shop is a Server where all data are stored and accessed. In a traditional business setup, Server failure is usually a big mess and may lead to huge losses depending on the extent of the failure. Such moments will be extinct with Shopify because they will manage the server for you. 

5. Shopify’s Development Budget is Big 

Since Shopify is a reputable platform for eCommerce, they invest a lot in developing software and analyzing market trends. Therefore, Shopify keeps up with the market trends and technological changes. This is very important because eCommerce is an ever-evolving industry in the digital space. As a result, the basis of your business objectives will be solely guided by the real-world insights or principles offered by Shopify.

6. Shopify Server is Reliable

There is nothing worse than having your web store crashing due to a high volume of traffic. Shopify plans such as Shopify Plus have a broad bandwidth that can handle a large volume of traffic. Therefore, you do not have to worry when big sales and traffic volume are anticipated to rise during occasions such as Black Friday.

7. Shopify’s Backend Interface is Easy to Use

Typically, the backend of any system may require a programmer, but that is not the case with Shopify. You do not have to be a tech wizard in coding; all you need to do is play with buttons, drop-down lists, and figures. You can change the prices, introduce discounts and update your products so quickly.

8. Charges on Credit Card

This is an exciting feature with Shopify. Here, your customers will be able to see your brand on the statement when charged. This will also increase the visibility of your brand or business. Besides, customers find it easy to trust Your Business because the ability to make your brand visible is also a way to show that Your Business is legit.

9. Shopify Has Free SSL

To gain trust from your customers, you must have an SSL (the green padlock next to your site URL on the web) on your store because this is proof that customer data is secured. With other eCommerce plans like WooCommerce, you will have to subscribe for your SSL plan, but Shopify offers it free of charge to its clients.

10. Shopify’s Apps store

Your store will undoubtedly need apps and plugins to perform various tasks. With access to such tools, you will add essential features such as inventory management, accounting, and loyalty programs. Unlike other eCommerce options, which have apps over the internet, Shopify apps are centralized; hence high performance.


Taking Your Business to the next step can only come to reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in delivering modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help your business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.