NetSuite Ecommerce

If you are in a quest for a perfect NetSuite eCommerce platform that gives you absolute control over your web store, then NetSuite SuiteCommerce is what Your Business needs. NetSuite integrates perfectly with your web store’s back-end. It also allows you to anticipate consumer needs, trends, and competition. This article is a definitive guide to several elements, namely:

  1. A Definition of SuiteCommerce
  2. Types of SuiteCommerce
  3. What Customers Say about SuiteCommerce
  4. SuiteCommerce Advantages and Disadvantages
  5. SuiteCommerce Competitors

A Definition of SuiteCommerce

SuiteCommerce is an integrated eCommerce site of the NetSuite ERP cloud software. NetSuite ventured into eCommerce in the early 2000s after creating the NetSuite Sitebuilder. With NetSuite SuiteCommerce, Your Business does not need to incur extra costs on a separate Enterprise Resource Program. In addition to the usual combination, SuiteCommerce is very flexible for customization. All you need is a good developer to help you create a more preferred design.

Types of SuiteCommerce

1. SiteBuilder

At first, SiteBuilder was not an extreme success to its users. After its integration with NetSuite, more users came in, thus making the company sustain itself for another 10+ years. Launched in 2003, SuiteBuilder was another small success of NetSuite.

SiteBuilder lacks a back-end; therefore, any creations are arrived at by editing relevant files in the FTP folder. This SuiteCommerce version is a fundamental online shop. You only need to make a few changes to the site to make it work for Your Business.

Surprisingly, many businesses have their websites on NetSuite SiteBuilder. The company is currently not releasing or selling upgraded versions of SiteBuilder but continues to offer support to available clients. Slowly, NetSuite SiteBuilder fades as a full transition to SuiteCommerce, and SuiteCommerce Advanced takes shape.

2. SuiteCommerce

Why is it on the list? SuiteCommerce remains the standard NetSuite eCommerce platform. SuiteCommerce is relatively easy to set up because it only requires simple drags and drops. Besides the templates, SuiteCommerce has its share of themes and a variety of limited customization items. Other features of the SuiteCommerce Standard are:

  • Drag and drop abilities
  • Costs $2499/month
  • B2B and B2C capability
  • SEO friendliness
  • Integration with NetSuite
  • Responsive on all devices
  • Integrates well with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

3. SuiteCommerce Advanced

SuiteCommerce Advanced, SCA, is an enterprise version of SuiteCommerce. SCA shares almost the same capabilities as the Magento Enterprise solution. SuiteCommerce Advanced allows your developer to access its core code and customize the site to give customers a better User Experience (UX). Other features of SuiteCommerce Advanced are:

  • A natural integration to NetSuite ERP
  • Flexible to any device
  • Ability to sell using multiple languages, brands, and currencies
  • Single page design and delivery content allowing quicker load times
  • Ease to customize
  • Integrates perfectly with Google Tag Manager and Analytics
  • Checkout capability for guests
  • SEO capable
  • It costs about $4999/month.
  • It allows you to add images, product comparisons, do elastic site searches, create lists, and save carts.
  • Supports businesses to consumer and business to business
  • Compatible with many international shipping prices, customs paperwork, taxes, and currencies
  • Works in a unified way with inventory management, NetSuite ERP, and CRM
  • Expandable with available extensions
  • Allows for gift card loading, coupons, invoices, and upsells

SuiteCommerce Advantages and Disadvantages

1. Positives

  • Its sleek connection from back-end to frontend promotes development and openness. This feature has become SuiteCommerce’s significant capability.
  • Product promotions are easy, considering its smooth integration with email marketing solutions.
  • Dynamic and flexible because of its in-built credentials and customization capabilities
  • Allows for both extensive and informative documentation
  • Support is warm and reliable.

2. Negatives

  • Error-prone
  • It takes a while to learn how to make it fit into all devices more comfortably.

SuiteCommerce Competitors

1. Shopify

You can say that Shopify is a leader in the eCommerce space. Their open arms to small and big brands make it a desired platform for many businesses to sell anything on the platform. Therefore, shopify continues to remain number one with unending resilience.

Considering its long existence in eCommerce, Shopify has even gone on to create its online payment gateway. As a result, this simple creation allows Shopify to create specialized discounts unbeaten by even their closest competition.

Features of Shopify

  • SEO friendliness
  • 70+ formal themes for customization
  • Multilingual capability
  • Multiple web customization options such as HTML and CSS editors and web-based drag and drop
  • Allows 100+ gateways
  • Tax and shipping rates automated
  • A full blog potential
  • Perfect connections with 3rd party drop shippers and fulfillers
  • Client management tools

2. BigCommerce

Trailing behind Shopify is BigCommerce. This platform has gained reliability recently as many businesses have been adopting it. The most significant feature of BigCommerce is its API capability that allows excellent integrations. Moreover, it has more potential and exhibits an impressive amount of security. If you want to get into eCommerce or do business online from 2020 onwards, then BigCommerce is where most potential lies.

BigCommerce Key Features

  • Highly customizable themes using CSS, HTML, or JavaScript
  • Friendly to SEO
  • Has themes responsive to mobile devices
  • Drag and drop Google AMP, Akamai Image Manager, and Google Cloud Platform infrastructure capability
  • You can improve the checkout experience with its server-to-server SDK and check API
  • Allows for discounts and coupon
  • Allows for faceted Searches
  • Lastly, impressive business to business capability

3. WooCommerce

This eCommerce application is WordPress based. Like WordPress, WooCommerce’s open-source nature makes it entirely customizable for businesses. It is based on API and extensions that allow Your Business to handle products, customers, and orders. In addition, WooCommerce is free to use. Its transaction fees have been waived off. With a good number of skilled developers, your team could easily tweak and customize your online store. More WooCommerce features are namely:

  • The blogging feature is in-built.
  • Quite expandable with 400+ extensions
  • Friendly to Search Engine Optimization
  • Highly customizable due to its open-source nature
  • Has the support of a significant and formidable community
  • Countless themes to allow Your Business to create a desired platform from the ground up
  • Payment is in-built with top quality payment gateways.
  • Finally, shipping and taxes based capabilities based on location

In a nutshell,  contact SCG at or 760-205-5251 for more queries on SuiteCommerce or NetSuite ecommerce. . Experience matters.