valutek suitecommerce advanced seibert consulting group

For a scalable B2B hashtagecommerce solution, hashtagNetSuite‘s hashtagSuiteCommerce makes a terrific choice for these six reasons:

1. Ability to fully support all B2B Use Cases in an omnichannel context, with all orders, including from the SuiteCommerce Web Store, appearing as Sales Orders within your core NetSUite ERP foundation.

2. Complete UX and UI front-end design control & full access to the SuiteCommerce application’s source code.

3. NetSuite hashtagOneWorld enables global multi-subsidiary management with financial reconciliation.

4. Full integration with hashtagNetSuite hashtagCRM, hashtagERP, NSPOS, SCIS (SuiteCommerce In-Store) , leading hashtagWMS systems and payment processors.

5. Real-time transparency into inventory and supply-chain.

6. Featureful 100% Cloud-based hashtagomnichannel solution.