Shopify Plus

Businesses have inertia. Even if a good thing eventually becomes less effective, modifying what we already know and value might be challenging. This is practically true if you have worked hard to create a website for your online store and realize that change is necessary and inevitable.

Once you’ve crossed the line that unmistakably signals that it’s time to move on, it’s difficult to sell. We’ve listed six justifications for switching to a modern site host to make it simpler. 


1. An Outdated design

You were proud of the site design when you created it, and you still want to flaunt it today. It instantly communicates your aesthetics and ideals, and sending the wrong impression might sour a good situation. 

However, design ideas constantly evolve, so it’s time for an overhaul if you feel dated. Your devoted clients can tell you that you are still the same business after a terrific refresh. 

At the same time, it keeps expressing your objectives so that it’s evident to your current clients that you’re the same shop they’ve grown to know and love. 


2. Increase in the Rate of Bounces 

It’s not random for potential shoppers to abandon their shopping carts. It’s time to upgrade your website if you lose clients due to cart abandonment. 

Bounce rates are affected by many factors, including poor customer engagement during the purchasing process, overly convoluted steps for routine actions like adding an item to the basket or inputting payment information, and slow load times. 

Those problems and more may be resolved with a fantastic redesign using Shopify Plus! 


3. Long Wait Times 

Bounce rates are increased by slower site loading times, but they have a significant impact that they merit discussion on their own. Customers might leave a website in just a few milliseconds, which results in enormous losses. 

Long-time clients get irritated, and new clients have a poor first impression. They need the best web services delivered as quickly as possible, and for well-established commercial websites, code bloat and slowdowns are inevitable. 

A clean slate gets your website’s web code up to date and aids in building a quick, lightweight site that users can easily traverse. 


4. Challenges with back-end management 

Customers should come first, but they shouldn’t be your sole concern. 

You won’t have as much time to handle the back-end of your site and make strategic decisions for your company if it gets harder to administer it. Among the back-end issues are: 

  • Security 
  • Catalog management
  • Support 
  • Marketing outreach  

You lose valuable time if your system makes you go through a time-consuming manual process. 


5. Increased Hosting Fees 

Everyone has a right to a living. However, if the costs of hosting your website are increasing without providing any extra benefits, it could be time to switch. Creeping fees eat away the budget, so keep an eye out for a better offer. 


6. Stock Website Layout 

A prepared design used to be sufficient to enable internet commerce. We have long since moved past those times. The epidemic caused an explosion in online purchasing, and it shows no signs of slowing down. 

Customers are aware of what to look for while shopping online. They seek distinctive features, unique designs, and catalogs that are simple to explore and purchase. 

Your company is not made of the same materials as your rivals. We’re here to assist you in switching to Shopify Plus and again stand out from the crowd if your website gives the impression that it is by employing a standard design.

In conclusion, taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in providing modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.