QuickBooks and Fishbowl to NetSuite: Why Fast-Growing Distributors are Making the Switch 


A small business accounting and the financial solution is QuickBooks. Many businesses discover they require a more comprehensive solution than just QuickBooks for inventory to reach their development and expansion objectives. Enter inventory start-up Fishbowl, which claims to be the most “asked for” QuickBooks add-on for inventory management. 

QuickBooks makes financial sense as a beginning system for businesses with five to ten employees and annual revenue of $1 million to $3 million. It offers the fundamental operations needed to manage a business and aids organizational development. As distribution organizations expand, their operational requirements for inventory management also get increasingly complex. The question for business owners is: Do I start looking at a system that will grow with my firm for years or do I add on to my beginner system with another starter system? 


NetSuite vs. Quickbooks: Which one is best for You? A comprehensive financial management solution is available from NetSuite that boosts productivity, lowers costs, and is built to grow with expanding enterprises. To clearly illustrate how operations and accounting processes connect and what has to be done, NetSuite eCommerce comes with pre-configured KPIs, workflows, reminders, and configurable dashboards. NetSuite integrates a wide range of business solutions, including CRM, e-commerce, HR management system (HRMS), professional services automation, and more, in the cloud and in real-time. 

Accounting software for small businesses is the main focus of QuickBooks therefore, enabling greater complexities necessitates layering other systems and applications. Inadequate company management tools may hamper your finance team. The pain experienced by your finance staff can be reduced with an update from QuickBooks. It can assist in setting up your company with the proper procedures to support your growing and expanding organization. 

You should think about making a change if your business suffers due to a lack of real-time visibility or hours lost to manual operations. 


ERP vs. Fishbowl and QuickBooks 

Fishbowl is comparable to QuickBooks because it offers a less expensive alternative for small businesses than an ERP platform. Fishbowl inventory may serve as a “band-aid” addition to QuickBooks in the short term, but in the long run, you are left with many systems where crucial information is spread out. These systems don’t communicate with one another and only convey a small amount of data through integration, not in real-time. The entire business is impacted badly when visibility and insight are compromised. 

Suppose at least 4 bullet points below touch the status of your business, then QuickBooks and Fishbowl may be failing your distribution company: 

  • Real-time awareness of events occurring throughout your business is too difficult to achieve. 
  • Limited access to important indicators. 
  • Limited functionality won’t be able to meet contemporary demands. 
  • failing to scale as you open up new locations 
  • Stockouts and overstocks are common, and inventory levels are frequently erroneous. 
  • System updates and QuickBooks connections require frequent and time-consuming IT support. 
  • There is little and no real-time reporting. 
  • Not being able to modify the system to fit your business model. 
  • No capacity for budgeting or supply chain forecasting. 


Taking Your Business to the next step can only come to reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At SCG Team, Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in delivering modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help your business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email hello@seibertconsulting.com and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.