NetSuite SRP


Making your customers happy should be one of your primary business goals and seeing a positive review left on platforms such as Yelp and Trustpilot is like a fulfillment. But all this does not matter if you do not broaden Your Business beyond the horizon. You may think about all you can do to make your customer happy, but you also have to ensure that you use modern software that supports Your Business services in this technology era.

Ideal software for Your Business should help you monitor and improve customers’ feedback, develop a robust enterprise and enhance business processes. NetSuite SRP is currently the most adopted by many enterprises worldwide. But why is it the right tool for Your Business?

  • NetSuite SRP (Service Resource Planning) is a one-stop place to get tools that can improve Your Business performance by allowing you to link with your customers professionally. You may also use NetSuite SRP to manage Your Business financials, eCommerce solutions, CRM software, and cloud ERP.
  • NetSuite’s capabilities speed up the way you manage your projects and how accurately you do them. Moreover, these tools are intuitive and make your AP/AR cycles efficient. Furthermore, you get a complete vision of how a targeted customer transforms to be your service’s actual buyer.

Based on the above reasons, you may still be in dilemma to shift Your Business to NetSuite SRP. With our experience as Oracle | NetSuite Solution Provider, we have more than enough to share. Let’s proceed to other substantive reasons for choosing NetSuite SRP for Your Business.

1. NetSuite SRP Has Full Coverage Capability

A study by Statista estimates that businesses that adopt cloud-based solutions will cross the $40.5 billion mark by 2025. As a result of COVID-19, modern companies have resorted to allowing employees to work from home. This shift to remote workplaces should not make you worry about Your Business if you settle for NetSuite SRP. Why? This cloud technology simplifies the process of taking Your Business online and takes advantage of the NetSuite SRP’s access at any place and at any time.

2. NetSuite SRP Saves on Resources

Cloud-situated solutions have one thing in common; they save lots of money compared to the traditional on-premise solutions. An on-premise solution will make Your Business spend on the maintenance of its heavy hardware and tech. An article by mentioned that cloud-based tools are 30% cost-efficient than on-premise material with ease. This means that Your Business processes become smoother and you can save resources to channel back to other projects.

3. NetSuite SRP Offers Data On A Real-Time Basis

With NetSuite SRP, you get access to a clear picture of the status of Your Business. How? NetSuite SRP offers you real-time access to dashboards, reports, and KPIs. You can also tweak your dashboard and organize your reports based on Your Business’s subsidiaries and locations. 

You could also take advantage of its anywhere access—web and mobile, to improve how your staff performs. Moreover, you can compare profit margins, use of resources, and budget to the actual figures allocated or experienced before.

4. NetSuite SRP Has One-Touch Access to International Connections

It becomes easy to handle multinational operations by simply connecting NetSuite SRP to NetSuite OneWorld. The two will simplify how you manage your resource baskets, standard units, business units, and subsidiaries. Note that, all the processes are manageable from a central place. As a result, you can track your business’s overall performance without minding where your team works from.

5. NetSuite SRP Has Excellent Management of Resources

NetSuite’s dashboards are easy to personalize so that you have a clear top-bottom perception of your resources pool. All you need to do is to filter your dashboard based on the metrics that give you an insight into the business you have an interest in. NetSuite SRP’s global reach also provides a 3600 view of allocated resources to Your Business in its various locations. With this control and visibility, you can finish your projects quicker, invoice clients accurately, and use resources efficiently.

6. With NetSuite SRP, Reporting is Automatable

You have an option of automating the reports such that the financial handling of reports and compliance becomes efficient. How? You can set up things like budgets, projects, and profit reports to be automatically pushed to your dashboard. Furthermore, you can also separate processes into corporate management and the consolidation of financials.


By now, you know what NetSuite SRP can do for Your Business. However, it does not make sense to have the right solution handled by the wrong team. All you need is NetSuite SRP industry professionals like Seibert Consulting Group (SCG). Let’s get in touch at or 760-205-5251