SCG NetSuite eCommerce Website

Are you a business looking to enhance your online presence and streamline your operations? Look no further than NetSuite’s powerful eCommerce website solution. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of setting up a NetSuite eCommerce website, optimizing it for success, and choosing the right partner to help you. As industry veterans with extensive experience in NetSuite consulting and development services, we at SCG Team are here to provide expert guidance tailored to your unique business needs. Contact us today to embark on a transformative journey with NetSuite eCommerce.

What is a NetSuite eCommerce Website?

A NetSuite eCommerce website is a robust platform that combines the capabilities of NetSuite’s ERP system with robust eCommerce functionality. It enables businesses to seamlessly manage their B2B and B2C operations, including inventory management, order processing, customer account management, and more. With its comprehensive features and integration capabilities, a NetSuite eCommerce website provides businesses with an all-in-one solution for their online selling needs.

Benefits of Using NetSuite for eCommerce

Seamlessly integrate your eCommerce operations with other key business processes using NetSuite. Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, NetSuite provides a robust platform that streamlines inventory management, order processing, and customer data all in one centralized system.

NetSuite’s seamless integration empowers businesses to streamline eCommerce operations, inventory management, and customer data all on one centralized platform. With real-time inventory tracking and comprehensive customer profiles, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction while reducing errors and driving conversions.

Manage your inventory in real time with NetSuite’s powerful capabilities. Stay on top of stock levels, track fulfillment status, and avoid overselling by leveraging integrated inventory management tools. This ensures accurate product availability for B2B and B2C customers, improving customer satisfaction and reducing costly errors.

Gain a holistic view of your customers’ information and order history through NetSuite’s centralized database. With easy access to comprehensive customer profiles, you can provide personalized experiences and targeted marketing campaigns for increased conversions and loyalty across all channels.

Key Features of a NetSuite eCommerce Website

Robust product catalog management is a key feature of a NetSuite eCommerce website. Whether your business operates in the B2B or B2C space, you can easily manage and organize your products. From categorizing items to updating inventory levels, NetSuite provides the tools for seamless catalog management.

Flexible pricing and discount capabilities are another standout feature of a NetSuite eCommerce website. Whether offering volume-based discounts for wholesale customers or running promotional campaigns for retail shoppers, NetSuite allows you to set up and manage dynamic pricing rules easily. This flexibility helps attract customers while maximizing profitability.

Advanced reporting and analytics are crucial for businesses seeking insights into their operations. With a NetSuite eCommerce website, you can access comprehensive reports and analytics that provide valuable information on sales performance, customer behavior, inventory trends, and more. These insights enable data-driven decision-making and help drive business growth in both the B2B and B2C spheres.

How to Set Up a NetSuite eCommerce Website

SCG NetSuite eCommerce Website


Step 1: Choosing the Right NetSuite Plan

Understanding the different NetSuite plans available is the first step in choosing the right one for your business. Evaluate your business needs and budget to determine which plan aligns best with your requirements. Compare features and pricing among the various plans to make an informed decision that will support your eCommerce goals effectively.

Step 2: Designing Your eCommerce Store

Identifying your target audience and brand image is crucial for designing your eCommerce store. Understand who your customers are and how you want to portray your business. Creating user-friendly navigation and layout will enhance the shopping experience on your website. Make sure information is easily accessible and intuitive for users. Utilize attractive visuals, colors, and typography to create a cohesive design that reflects your brand identity.

  • Identify your target audience and define your brand image.
  • Create user-friendly navigation and layout.
  • Utilize attractive visuals, colors, and typography for a cohesive design.

Step 3: Integrating with Shopify

Exploring the benefits of integrating NetSuite with Shopify allows businesses to streamline operations and maximize efficiency. Seamlessly synchronizing data between platforms, inventory, orders, customers, and payments can be managed efficiently. This integration enables businesses to have a centralized system that provides real-time updates and accurate information for better decision-making.

Setting up seamless data synchronization between NetSuite and Shopify is crucial for a smooth eCommerce experience. With this integration in place, inventory levels are automatically updated across both platforms, ensuring accurate stock availability for customers. Orders placed on Shopify are automatically synced with NetSuite, eliminating the need for manual entry and reducing errors. Additionally, customer information is synchronized between systems, allowing personalized marketing campaigns and improved customer service.

Managing inventory effectively is essential when running an eCommerce store. Integrating NetSuite with Shopify enables businesses to track stock levels in real time through automated processes. This ensures that products are never out of stock or overstocked while providing valuable insights into demand patterns to optimize purchasing decisions.

Efficiently handling orders from start to finish becomes effortless with the integration of NetSuite and Shopify. The streamlined process eliminates duplicate efforts by automatically syncing order details across both systems in real time. Businesses can easily track shipments and manage returns or exchanges promptly without delays or discrepancies.

Integrating payment processing capabilities between NetSuite and Shopify simplifies financial management tasks significantly. With seamless synchronization, businesses can efficiently handle payments from multiple channels while accurately recording transactions within their accounting system.

In summary, integrating NetSuite with Shopify offers numerous benefits, such as streamlining operations, seamless data synchronization, effective inventory management, efficient order processing, and simplified payment handling.

This ultimately leads to increased productivity and enhanced customer satisfaction. By harnessing the power of these two robust platforms together, businesses can elevate their eCommerce experience and drive further success.

Step 4: Customizing Your Website with SuiteCommerce Advanced

Understanding the capabilities of SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) is vital to customize your website. SCA offers a comprehensive suite of features and tools that can be tailored to meet your unique business requirements. By implementing customizations, you can enhance the user experience and optimize your site for maximum efficiency. With SCA’s modular approach, achieving scalability and flexibility becomes effortless, allowing you to adapt and grow as your business evolves.

Optimizing Your NetSuite eCommerce Website

  • Implementing SEO best practices is crucial for optimizing your NetSuite eCommerce website. Conduct thorough keyword research and incorporate relevant keywords into your website content, meta tags, and URLs. Optimize page load speed, improve site navigation and structure, and ensure that your website is easily crawlable by search engines.
  • Conversion rate optimization focuses on improving the user experience to increase the number of visitors who convert into customers. Use compelling calls-to-action, simplify the checkout process, offer personalized product recommendations, and optimize product pages with precise descriptions and high-quality images.
  • Designing a mobile-friendly website is essential in today’s digital landscape. Ensure your NetSuite eCommerce website is responsive across different devices to provide a seamless browsing experience for potential customers on smartphones or tablets.

SEO Best Practices

Keyword Research: Identify and strategically incorporate relevant keywords throughout your NetSuite eCommerce website. This will improve visibility in search engine results and attract targeted traffic.

Optimized Meta Tags: Craft compelling meta titles and descriptions that accurately describe your page content while enticing users to click through. Well-optimized meta tags can significantly improve click-through rates and organic search rankings.

URL Structure: Create clean, search engine-friendly URLs that include relevant keywords. This improves navigation for both users and search engines and enhances the visibility of your Netsuite eCommerce website in organic search results.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Direct visitors towards desired actions with prominent CTAs on landing pages, increasing the chances of conversions.

Streamlined Checkout Process: Simplify checkout by reducing steps, removing unnecessary fields, and offering guest options to minimize cart abandonment rates.

  • Fewer steps
  • Fewer form fields
  • Guest checkout option

Product Recommendations: Improve conversion rates using personalized product recommendation algorithms based on user behavior data.

  • Cross-selling opportunities
  • Personalized recommendations

Mobile-Friendly Design

Responsive Web Design ensures your NetSuite eCommerce website seamlessly adapts to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal user experience. To speed up mobile browsing, fast page load times are achieved through image optimization, caching techniques, code minification, and content delivery networks (CDNs). Implementing an intuitive navigation menu design with clear categories and easy access to essential sections facilitates effortless browsing on mobile devices.

Choosing the Right NetSuite Partner

SCG NetSuite eCommerce Website

Experience and Expertise: When choosing a NetSuite partner for your eCommerce website, it is crucial to consider their knowledge and expertise in the field. Look for a partner with a proven track record of success, preferably one who has worked on similar projects. This ensures they understand the challenges and requirements of building an effective NetSuite eCommerce website.

Customer Success Stories: Another essential factor to consider when selecting a NetSuite partner is their portfolio of customer success stories. Reviewing these case studies lets you know the partner’s capabilities and whether they have delivered successful outcomes for businesses like yours. Look for partners who have helped companies achieve significant growth or overcome specific challenges through their expertise in implementing NetSuite eCommerce solutions.

Experience and Expertise

NetSuite Certified Professionals with years of implementation experience, offering in-depth knowledge of eCommerce best practices. Our team is well-versed in providing comprehensive solutions for NetSuite and Shopify investments. Trust us to deliver exceptional consulting and development services tailored to your business needs.

  • NetSuite Certified Professionals
  • Years of NetSuite implementation experience
  • In-depth knowledge of eCommerce best practices

Customer Success Stories

Increased online sales by 30% for a client in the electronics industry. Improved order management efficiency for a client in the fashion industry. Streamlined inventory management for a client in the consumer goods sector. These success stories highlight how our consulting and development services have helped businesses optimize their NetSuite eCommerce websites, resulting in significant improvements and growth. With our expertise and experience, we can help your business achieve similar results and unlock its full potential with NetSuite. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

Consulting and Development Services

  • We offer customized NetSuite integration solutions to streamline your eCommerce operations. Our experts will seamlessly connect your systems, ensuring smooth data flow and efficient order processing.
  • Trust our team to optimize your website design and enhance user experience (UX) for maximum conversions. With a deep understanding of industry best practices, we create visually appealing websites that are easy to navigate, engaging customers at every touchpoint.
  • Gain valuable insights into your business with advanced reporting and analytics capabilities. Unlock the power of data-driven decision-making by harnessing our expertise in generating comprehensive reports and implementing robust analytics tools.



NetSuite is the ideal platform for your eCommerce website due to its comprehensive features and seamless integration capabilities. With NetSuite, businesses can manage their inventory, orders, and customer data in one centralized system. Integrating Shopify with NetSuite can further enhance your eCommerce operations by streamlining processes and ensuring accurate data synchronization. To choose the right consulting and development services for your needs, consider a provider specializing in NetSuite and Shopify integration to maximize the potential of these platforms for your business growth.