Forward-thinking business take time to choose their eCommerce platform
Forward-thinking business take time to choose their eCommerce platform

As you presumably already know, using these solutions enables you to concentrate on the most critical aspects of your company rather than having to spend a ton of money and time running your operational systems. However, it’s not always easy to choose the one that best meets your company’s demands! 

To provide you with the necessary information you need to know to choose which software solution is best for your company, we have produced this post to examine the differences between NetSuite and Magento thoroughly. 

Additionally, we firmly suggest you read this article from beginning to end if you currently use Magento 1.0 and are unsure about the Magento 2.0 “upgrade” to make a wiser choice! 


What is Magento? 

With more than 260,000 customers and 150 million USD in annual revenue, Magento is the eCommerce platform of choice for approximately 20% of online stores worldwide. 

The fact that Magento was acquired by Adobe for $1.68 billion further establishes it as the first open-source eCommerce in history. Magento gives online retailers various management options, including order fulfillment, shopping cart management, website management, and catalogs. 

Additionally, it offers other features like content management, shipping, SEO optimization, and internet marketing. 

The company’s most recent product, Magento 2.0, differs from Magento 1.0 primarily because it can run on the most recent versions of PHP. 

Additionally, PayPal payments on-site and simplified checkouts are features of Magento 2.0. It also aims to adopt a new tech stack and enhance website performance. However, Magento 2.0’s actual usefulness is improving Magento 1.0 flaws like table locking, search-related restrictions, and needless reloads. 

However, because of their stark differences, upgrading from Magento 1.0 to Magento 2.0 is fraught with difficulty. This means that migrating from Magento 1.0 to 2.0 might be deceiving because the process can be just as difficult as switching to another eCommerce solution. 

As a result, customer service and maintenance for Magento’s 1.0 edition and a number of users who do not intend to move will be neglected because Magento is concentrating on enhancing its 2.0 version. 


What is NetSuite SuiteCommerce?

SuiteCommerce is hosted by NetSuite, an online platform that offers solutions for organizations’ essential operations. To provide online business help, including eCommerce procedures, NetSuite centralizes data. 

As the name implies, SuiteCommerce is an eCommerce platform that handles essential operational procedures, including accounting, customer service, inventory management, and order administration. SuiteCommerce also has a sibling solution called SuiteCommerce Advanced with additional customization options. 

Since it handles both online shopping and in-store point of sale (POS) apps, SuiteCommerce and the entire NetSuite suite of solutions allow businesses to streamline their sales process. 

Additionally, NetSuite incorporates inventory and warehouse management to enhance focus and flow, and to offer each customer an omnichannel experience. NetSuite streamlines business operations and provides distinctive solutions to every market demand by integrating numerous languages, nations, and currencies into a single platform. 

Therefore, integrating SuiteCommerce for your eCommerce systems is the proper move if your company already uses NetSuite for operations. It will save you money and make it simpler to maintain control over your business. At SCG Team, we heartily endorse this approach, and we’ve written a complete essay to explain why. 


Which one is better between Magento and SuiteCommerce? 

Don’t forget to look it over to gain all the information you require to decide whether or not to integrate NetSuite or Magento into your company. We tested several different products to grasp which platform is appropriate for your needs. 

1. User Experience 

When choosing between Magento and SuiteCommerce, one of the critical differences that must be taken into account is user experience. While NetSuite is an entire solution, Magento is the product of several other solutions, as you can tell! This is why we adore NetSuite – it was created from the ground up to handle every task at the heart of your organization. 

Let’s understand why this is crucial, as you undoubtedly have that question. 

On the one hand, because each of Magento’s several solutions is not intended to function as a whole, it does not offer a consistent user experience. Because of this, dealing with faults and changes in Magento’s integrations requires a solid understanding of PHP and MySQL. 

Therefore, you should just cross it off your list unless your in-house team comprises a knowledgeable developer that understands how to manage Magento and make the most of the numerous plugins available. 

In contrast, NetSuite offers a comprehensive user experience that is tailored to each customer and the device they are using. In other words, NetSuite’s complete solution has your company covered utterly! 

Additionally, you won’t need to change your code each time a new NetSuite version is released because they are compatible with the ones you already had. 

In conclusion, NetSuite’s comprehensive solution handles each procedure at the center of your company’s operations and doesn’t need upgrades or configuration. A better and more cohesive user experience is the result of all of this, which should be one of your key objectives, as you are aware. 


2. Scalability

A brief warning about scalability before we proceed with this point: it is not just about increasing website traffic. Let’s just say that Magento and SuiteCommerce can support those huge traffic websites, but this is not what you need to know about scalability. 

What’s essential in terms of scalability is that systems must be able to handle both front-end and back-end online company development. 

Your solution must manage and support every activity associated with an eCommerce website; refunds, transactions with exponential growth, inventory changes, fulfillment, and payment processing. 

You must be aware of this because an increase in order volume will likely result in modifications to these and many other essential business procedures. 

So, as you have probably already deduced, it is always preferable to have a single platform that does not require the integration of any other systems to function rather than numerous systems that require connections to interface with one another. 

You must discover a solution that won’t be a constant source of stress if you want to be able to concentrate on order processing and management! 

As a result, your solution must be adaptable enough to accommodate the addition of new organizational structures as your company begins to develop and flourish. 

Most firms start tiny and, if they’re fortunate, grow into considerably more sophisticated organizations that necessitate a variety of factors that weren’t previously taken into account. 

For instance, if your company grows internationally, you may require a system that supports several languages and currencies. 

Your organization will need to expand into new markets, produce more robust financial reports, strengthen the supply chain, and have multiple sites, even if its growth is focused on developing products or services rather than expanding into new markets. 

Your software’s scalability and flexibility are essential to trust your real-time data to act quickly and adapt to new market problems and scenarios. 


3. Add-ons and integrations 

Magento was not designed from the beginning for ERP systems (ERP). As a result, integrating these capabilities and many more will necessitate using third-party extensions and assistance from an experienced PHP or MySQL developer. 

Naturally, as we’ve already indicated, if you have an internal developer working on synchronizing your connections and integrations, you can combine any function you require into a single platform. However, because of its vast market share, many third-party modules, extensions, and themes are available for Magento. 

The main concern is whether investing your time and money in this work is worthwhile when you might use another software program that doesn’t require it, like SuiteCommerce and many other NetSuite products. 


4. Implementations and deployment 

Magento offers customers the option of both on-premise and cloud deployment, whereas every NetSuite product, including SuiteCommerce, is cloud-based. 

However, Magento’s customers are responsible for managing their web hosting, which adds another complexity to each site’s upkeep and development. Additionally, Magento is unable to support hosting for several tenants. 

To manage Magento’s system, you must possess three essential skills: front-end web development, infrastructure engineering, and database administration. 

Contrarily, SuiteCommerce and the other NetSuite solutions handle these responsibilities so that you and your team may concentrate your efforts and time on running your business. 

Additionally, the single-page architecture of SuiteCommerce was created using open source AJAX and JavaScript standards. 


Pricing for  Magento and SuiteCommerce 

As we’ve already established, Magento requires a lot of IT maintenance and third-party integrations, so figuring out the actual cost of using the platform can be challenging. 

Magento offers a freemium license model and reasonable licensing costs. 

A free Magento solution is Magento Community. However, many other functionalities, such as technical support, quicker performance, Solr search, scalability, and cross-selling, are not offered. 

According to your online revenue, you must pay for the Enterprise edition if you want them (which you most likely will!). 

Despite this, the costs in terms of money, time, and effort required to implement a Magento system are significantly higher than those for SuiteCommerce. 

The notion that SuiteCommerce implementations might cost up to three times as much as Magento installs is pretty standard. The monthly list pricing of SuiteCommerce is $2,500+. 

Remember that, as we’ve already stated, there is no better solution available with the price increase for Magento. 


What is the most satisfactory eCommerce solution? 

At the moment, it should be clear that SuiteCommerce is a far better option for managing operational systems and eCommerce software. 

Additionally, as Magento 1.0 support will only be offered for the remainder of this year, most users will soon need to decide whether or not to switch to 2.0. 

If this is your situation, we believe upgrading to Magento 2.0 requires too much work. It requires just as much work as switching to a new software program. 

Sticking with Magento is not the best move because some Magento 1.0 extensions won’t work with Magento 2.0. SuiteCommerce is the best alternative to Magento that you can find. 


Why switch to SuiteCommerce from Magento? 

In 2022, eCommerce company owners should focus more on selling than managing and maintaining their systems. 

You should probably switch to a more user-friendly software option unless you enjoy devoting your time to integrations and extensions or you are contented to pay an in-house team of developers to take care of your Magento solution and its numerous bugs. To receive the answer you require and to stop the headaches you might do without, switch from Magento to SuiteCommerce.


Final thought

Taking Your Business to the next step can only come to reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in delivering modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.