Magento BigCommerce

If you’re already considering it, switching your eCommerce platform is a significant decision that is probably necessary. 

If you’ve been utilizing Magento as your go-to platform, you may want to know some of the advantages of BigCommerce and why you ought to switch. 

Here are our top two arguments for why Magento-based brands should consider switching to another platform.  


1. The Magento Store You Have Is Outdated

Although we adore Magento’s sophisticated features, we know that the platform has been around for a while. Your website from 2009 may still use antiquated third-party plugins and have several out-of-date functionalities. 

Cleaning up and maintaining your Magento website may be time-consuming and expensive. You may start over by switching to a platform like BigCommerce, where you won’t have to worry about out-of-date third-party applications or a platform ever again. 

BigCommerce is a SaaS solution; therefore, they take care of all the technical issues for your company, such as uptime, PCI compliance, platform upgrades (which happen frequently), and new feature upgrades and releases all year long. 

But do not simply trust us. Many previous Magento clients have already switched over. John Slattery, the CEO of Acme Distribution, will be used as an example throughout this essay. 

“I used to be big into Magento when it came out. We’re talking years ago before BigCommerce even existed. Then, I moved two stores from Magento over to BigCommerce and without any other major changes doubled my revenue year-over-year on both sites,” says John Slattery. “Plus, we went with a BigCommerce Enterprise option, which is a fraction of what we were paying with Magento and one-tenth of the headache.”


2. Data Migration as a New Beginning 

You may be considering a brand refresh or just want to give your eCommerce business a new design, but you don’t want to discard all the data you’ve gathered. After all, targeting clients with the correct message at the right point in their relationship with your company will help you sell more products. 

Moving from Magento to BigCommerce doesn’t imply abandoning all of your previous work. 

You may use BigCommerce to establish a brand-new-looking store while saving your crucial data, such as customer and order information. 

Let’s look at some of the critical distinctions between BigCommerce and Magento, which prompts us to advise firms already utilizing Magento to switch to BigCommerce as soon as possible. 


Magento vs. BigCommerce 

Security and Hosting 

You must select your hosting provider for Magento, which may not always be dependable under high-traffic conditions. Additionally, because Magento requires a lot of server resources for its advanced features, an excellent hosting solution costs more money. 

Due to the continual maintenance required by your brand to maintain uptime throughout the year, Magento is initially expensive. You must ensure your site can handle the traffic and is compatible with the new features as you add or start new campaigns. 

According to Slattery, when he originally acquired Acme Distribution, it was running on Magento, and he had to pay developers daily to make fixes. “Our expenses for Magento totaled over $2,000 a month, just in server expenditures and developer salaries. Additionally, sales weren’t nearly as high as they are now. 

I cannot afford such a large team of highly skilled engineers if I want to run a successful shop. You can have an insider for quick repairs, but in reality, we can’t be both an online store and an eCommerce platform simultaneously. With Magento, I was putting more resources into maintaining a store than selling items, which is what I’m good at. 

On the other side, BigCommerce is a hosted platform. It is reasonably priced and has fantastic uptime availability. The platform consistently achieves an uptime of 99.99 percent and updates brands on server status around-the-clock. 

The platform also looks after the security of your server and continuously upgrades its features to guarantee that you always have access to the most current services. 

Additionally, your company receives dedicated account management for more prominent brands and 24/7 customer assistance. 


Front-end and back-end 

BigCommerce’s admin panel makes it simple to make general store adjustments and updates. Still, a developer is almost always required to make changes in Magento, which also drives up running costs significantly. 

You get access to the following features via the admin interface with BigCommerce out of the box: 

  • twelve analytical reports 
  • groupings of customers for site customization (can be used for B2B functionality as well) 
  • several discounts and coupons, such as ones that are particular to client groups and the basket level 
  • emails about abandoned carts 
  • limits on user-level access for larger teams 

Here’s McCann once more discussing how BigCommerce’s pre-built capabilities have helped him save time and money. 

The income increase we experienced after switching to BigCommerce, according to McCann, “The doubling of revenue we saw by switching to BigCommerce was just a testament to all these built-in SEO features, speed and all the optimizations that BigCommerce has their whole team working on,” says McCann. “There are some built-in things that I think people don’t even notice, like automatic URL redirects that are built when you change a product title. Stuff like that –– where the platform just does the work for you –– adds up. You can import redirects into BigCommerce. Even if you have a Magento developer who knows how to do that, you’re still paying him to do something that’s built into BigCommerce automatically.”


Taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in providing modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.