NetSuite Payments

The primary purpose of running a business is to give your clients products and/or services in exchange for money, whether cash, checks, debit cards, or credit cards. However, as 2020 has shown us, it’s only sometimes possible to receive customer payments. As we have seen across many industries, external factors like COVID-19 have a significant negative impact on the environments in which we live and work and have the potential to cease business operations entirely. Making it simple for your consumers to pay you has never been more crucial in light of this. 

Payments linked to NetSuite can result in a speedier cash flow. Both you and your customers will gain from reducing manual invoice-sending processes and providing customers with various quick-pay choices. These qualities are crucial to the continuity and longevity of enterprises today, given our dynamic and fragile global economy. 

In eCommerce, the phrase “frictionless checkout” is frequently used. It entails only requesting minimal client information necessary to prevent fraud while avoiding asking them a barrage of inquiries that could cause them to quit their shopping cart. The same is true when asked to pay an invoice online. Your clients expect one-step, click-to-pay functionality that enables them to swiftly and securely pay using the method of their choice (debit, credit card, ACH, etc.). Integrating a payment solution into your NetSuite setup is key to enabling this functionality. 

Clients of the SCG Team have access to a range of tools designed to provide your company with a competitive edge in your industry. One such option is our VersaPay Solution for NetSuite SuitePayments. Our NetSuite integrated payments solution can empower your clients by making it simple for them to pay you and speeding up the payment process. 


How does it function? 

Businesses can now quickly and securely take debit and credit card payments thanks to Solupay’s direct integration with NetSuite, which also actively works to reduce your payment acceptance expenses by 20-35% with Interchange Optimization. This removes many of the manual steps in NetSuite’s billing and collection procedures, allowing you to get paid more quickly and effectively. You may give your clients easy, frictionless click-to-pay alternatives, flexible payment terms, and various payment ways by utilizing automation technologies so they can pay you however convenient. 

You can email invoices or statements to your clients for approval and payment using our VersaPay Solution eInvoice-2-Cash and eStatement-2-Cash services for NetSuite. The invoicing process is streamlined with eInvoice-2-Cash, allowing your company to receive payments more quickly and accurately. Once an invoice payment has been approved, the NetSuite integrated payments solution immediately records it. After getting compensation, your finance team will feel empowered since they will have less manual labor to complete, freeing them up to focus on more critical tasks. 

By informing your clients of unpaid invoices, automated collections tools from eStatement-2-Cash act as a polite reminder. This saves time and money that would otherwise be spent by your team manually notifying vendors of past-due invoices while also maintaining your vendor-customer relationships. With built-in capability that enables your clients to choose to pay all of their invoices at once or just a select group at a time, you can give them the freedom to decide how they want to pay and what they want to spend. 

SCG Team works with clients to continuously develop new, improved methods for streamlining corporate procedures. Customers’ payments can be accepted by your company easily and securely with NetSuite integrated payments, such as the VersaPay solution. More than ever, it’s critical to be accommodating to your clients and make it simple for them to pay you when they want, how they want, and on terms that work for them.



Taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in providing modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.