Macks Prairie Wings SuiteCommerce Advanced Seibert Consulting Group


SuiteCommerce Advanced is a flexible eCommerce platform that caters to the needs of B2C and B2B companies – and of companies that do a little of both.

SuiteCommerce Advanced provides organizations with an all-in-one solution for both the customer-facing and back-end processes of running an eCommerce business.

For B2B and Wholesale Distribution focused Businesses, growing business-to-business sales is a matter of providing the kinds of eCommerce processes that support the wholesale buying experience online – and help to build working rapport and customer relationships through improved, frictionless buying experiences.

Here are five tips to get you started building more meaningful Customer Relationships online while growing your B2B eCommerce sales using Oracle | NetSuite SuiteCommerce Advanced:


1. Leverage Browsing and Purchase History

As a B2B Business, you’ll want to make it easy for them to find the items they’ve previously viewed or purchased.

With SuiteCommerce, you can do this in one of two ways:

  • Adjusting your customers’ My Account menu permissions to enable visibility of their purchase history
  • Setting up the Recently Viewed Items subtab


2. Provide Subscription Options

Subscription services can provide your company with valuable insight into your customers’ purchasing tendencies. While you could discover such information through an in-depth analysis of their purchase history, this essentially brings this data front and center for your organization to take note of.

Providing subscription options allows you to further personalize the customer experience for each of your clients, as you can tailor terms related to order amount and pricing based on each of your customers’ recurring needs. Needless to say, as long as you’re able to provide exactly what your customers need – exactly when they need it – they have little reason to defect to a competing company

Subscription Options help to ensure a given customer will continue to give your company their business at regularly-scheduled intervals. Because the process is automated, you won’t need to invest nearly as much human resources and other resources into fulfilling recurring orders as you would have if the process required to be completed manually.


3. Create Loyalty Programs

Develop loyalty programs that reward your best customers for their recurring business.

Using app integrations such as AnnexCloud Loyalty for SuiteCommerce Advanced, you can create programs that reward your customers for their loyalty and evangelism. Clutch also makes it easy to develop personalized loyalty campaigns, providing individual customers with incentives that add value specifically to them.

Clutch’s reward system allows you to tailor the manner in which customers utilize their rewards, as well. For example, you may give customers an upfront discount on a given purchase, or you may want to incentivize a future purchase by providing them with credit on a subsequent purchase.


4. Develop Bulk Order Offers

Providing bulk order discounts to your B2B clientele is an incredibly effective way to keep them coming back to your company on an ongoing basis.

Using Quantity-Based Pricing within SuiteCommerce allows you to set various discount thresholds depending on a customer’s purchasing volume.


5. Offer Free Shipping

You can incentivize an additional purchase (whether in the form of increased volume or additional items) during a given transaction by taking the burden of paying for shipping of your customers’ shoulders.

You’ll need to do some analysis of your current pricing and performance metrics to determine the optimal price threshold for an offer of free shipping. In other words, you again want to figure out at what point it’s worth eating the cost of shipping in exchange for an increase in order value.

Taking Your Business to the next step can only come to reality if you have the right expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we specialize in delivering modern solutions to businesses that aim at taking full advantage of the eCommerce platform. We always customize our solutions to align with Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Get in touch with us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.