Are you a small to medium-sized business owner looking to create a unique and professional online shopping experience? Look no further! This DIY guide will take you through the step-by-step process of designing your custom SuiteCommerce theme. From understanding the basics of SuiteCommerce themes to planning, customizing, adding functionality, testing, launching, and maintaining your theme – we’ve got you covered. Get ready to showcase your brand identity with a stunning and tailored online store that stands out. Let’s dive in!

1. Understanding SuiteCommerce Themes

Custom SuiteCommerce themes give you complete control over the look and feel of your online store, allowing you to create a unique and tailored experience for your customers.

SuiteCommerce themes are the visual templates that determine the layout, design, and functionality of your SuiteCommerce application. By building a custom theme, you have complete control over the look and feel of your online store, allowing you to create a unique and tailored experience for your customers.

2. Key Elements of SuiteCommerce Themes:

When building a custom SuiteCommerce theme, several key elements must be considered. These include your pages’ layout and structure, typography choices, color schemes, imagery selection, navigation menus, and call-to-action buttons. Carefully designing these elements to align with your brand identity and target audience preferences from the beginning stages of development will ensure a cohesive and engaging user experience.

1.1 What is SuiteCommerce?

Overview of SuiteCommerce: SuiteCommerce is an application that allows you to build and customize your own eCommerce website. It provides a flexible platform for SMB owners to create a unique online store that aligns with their brand identity and business goals.

Benefits of using SuiteCommerce for your eCommerce website: By leveraging the power of SuiteCommerce, you can enhance the user experience, increase conversion rates, and improve overall customer satisfaction. With its robust features and functionalities, you have complete control over building a professional and high-performing online store.

Introduction to SuiteCommerce features: SuiteCommerce offers a wide range of features, such as responsive design, advanced inventory management, secure payment gateways, SEO optimization, and seamless integration with other systems. These features help streamline operations while delivering a visually appealing shopping experience from beginning to end.

1.2 Why Design a Custom SuiteCommerce Theme?

Advantages of a custom theme over pre-designed themes

Building your own custom SuiteCommerce theme provides several advantages over using pre-designed themes. By starting from scratch, you have complete control over the design and functionality of your application. This allows you to create a unique and tailored user experience, ensuring that every aspect aligns with your brand identity and business goals.

Enhancing brand identity and uniqueness with a custom theme

A custom SuiteCommerce theme is an excellent opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and stand out from competitors. You can create a cohesive visual identity throughout the application by carefully selecting colors, fonts, layouts, and other design elements that reflect your brand’s values. This enhances user recognition and instills trust in customers as they perceive professionalism in every detail.

Improving user experience with tailored design elements

When building a custom SuiteCommerce theme, you can focus on optimizing the user experience by incorporating tailored design elements. From intuitive navigation menus to responsive layouts that adapt seamlessly across devices, every aspect of the design can be purposefully crafted to prioritize ease of use for visitors or potential buyers beginning their journey through your e-commerce site/application

1.3 Key Elements of SuiteCommerce Themes

Layout and structure considerations are crucial when building a custom SuiteCommerce theme. Begin by strategically planning the arrangement of elements to ensure effective design. Additionally, pay attention to color schemes and typography choices that align with your brand identity for a cohesive look and feel. Don’t forget to customize key components such as the header, footer, and navigation to create a unique application tailored to your business needs.

2. Planning Your Custom SuiteCommerce Theme

SuiteCommerce DIY Guide

2.1 Defining Your Branding and Design Goals:

Before designing your custom SuiteCommerce theme, defining your branding and design goals is crucial. Consider the overall look and feel you want to achieve, including color schemes, typography, and imagery that align with your brand identity. Clearly outlining these objectives will provide a solid foundation for creating a cohesive and visually appealing theme.

2.2 Analyzing Your Target Audience:

Understanding your target audience is essential when planning a custom SuiteCommerce theme. Conduct thorough research on their demographics, preferences, and behaviors to gain insights into what they find visually appealing and user-friendly. By tailoring the design elements to meet their needs, you can create a more engaging online shopping experience that resonates with potential customers.

2.3 Researching Competitor Themes:

To stand out from the competition in the crowded e-commerce market, researching competitor themes is vital. Analyze other businesses within your industry or niche to identify common trends or unique design elements they utilize in their websites’ appearance. This research will help inspire ideas for differentiating your custom SuiteCommerce theme while ensuring it remains relevant within your market segment.

2.1 Defining Your Branding and Design Goals

Choosing a color palette is an important first step in defining your branding and design goals. Consider the emotions you want to evoke and the message you want to convey when selecting colors for your theme. Next, carefully select typography that aligns with your brand identity. Fonts can communicate different tones and moods, so choose ones that enhance your messaging. Lastly, determine the visual style of your theme by considering elements such as layout, imagery, and overall aesthetic. This will help create a cohesive look and feel throughout your custom SuiteCommerce theme.

By focusing on these aspects of branding and design, you can create a unique and visually appealing custom SuiteCommerce theme for your business without hiring external professionals or agencies

2.2 Analyzing Your Target Audience

Identifying your target market is crucial when designing a custom SuiteCommerce theme. By understanding their preferences, you can create a design that effectively resonates with them and meets their needs. Analyzing user behavior provides valuable insights into how your target audience interacts with websites, allowing you to tailor the theme to optimize the user experience and increase conversions.

2.3 Researching Competitor Themes

Exploring competitor websites is essential in creating a unique and successful SuiteCommerce theme. By carefully examining the layout and navigation patterns of your competitors’ sites, you can gain valuable insights into what works well and what doesn’t. This process allows you to identify their strengths and weaknesses and differentiate your theme by focusing on areas where they may be lacking.

Examining layout and navigation patterns is crucial in designing a custom SuiteCommerce theme. Understanding how your competitors organize their content and guide users through their sites enables you to make informed decisions about the structure of your own theme. By studying these patterns closely, you can create an intuitive user experience that stands out.

Identifying strengths and weaknesses among competitor themes gives you a competitive edge when designing your custom SuiteCommerce theme. By recognizing what sets them apart or makes them successful, as well as any potential flaws or limitations they may have, you can position yourself strategically within the market. Capitalize on opportunities for improvement while leveraging your competitors’ shortcomings to create a standout design that meets customer needs more effectively

3. Customizing SuiteCommerce Themes

Choosing a Base Theme:

When customizing a SuiteCommerce theme, choose a base theme that aligns with your design vision. Consider the layout, color palette, and overall aesthetic to ensure it matches your brand identity.

Using the Theme Customizer:

Take advantage of the powerful SuiteCommerce theme customizer to tweak various elements of your chosen base theme. Easily modify fonts, colors, logos, and other visual components to create a cohesive and personalized look for your online store.

Customizing HTML and CSS:

Dive into the HTML and CSS files for more advanced customization options in SuiteCommerce themes. Make targeted changes to specific sections or add new elements for unique branding opportunities. Keep in mind best coding practices while making these modifications for optimal performance.

Note: The instructions above are intended as general guidelines only. You should consult the documentation or seek professional assistance if you encounter difficulties during the customization process.

3.1 Choosing a Base Theme

Researching available SuiteCommerce themes is an important first step in choosing a base theme. Take the time to explore different options and consider their features and functionality. Evaluate each theme based on its compatibility with your business requirements and customization needs. Consider your brand identity and target audience when selecting a base theme – it should align with your overall branding strategy.

  • Research available SuiteCommerce themes
  • Evaluate the features and functionality of each theme
  • Consider brand identity and target audience

3.2 Using the Theme Customizer

Exploring the customization options in the SuiteCommerce admin panel allows you to personalize your website according to your brand’s aesthetics. With the visual editor, you can easily modify colors, fonts, and layouts without any coding knowledge. The real-time preview feature ensures you can see your changes appearance before making them live, ensuring the desired results are achieved effortlessly.

3.3 Customizing HTML and CSS

Editing HTML templates allows you to modify the page structure of your SuiteCommerce theme, giving you more control over its layout. By customizing the HTML templates, you can rearrange elements and add or remove sections to create a unique design that suits your business needs.

Applying custom CSS styles is an effective way to enhance the visual appeal of your SuiteCommerce theme. With CSS, you can change colors, fonts, sizes, and other styling properties to match your brand identity. This customization option gives your online store a professional look and feel.

Implementing JavaScript code enables you to add advanced functionality to your SuiteCommerce theme. Whether creating interactive features or integrating third-party tools, JavaScript provides endless possibilities for enhancing user experience and making your online store more dynamic.

4. Adding Functionality to Your Custom Theme

4.1 Extending SuiteCommerce Features: Enhance the functionality of your custom theme by taking advantage of SuiteCommerce’s built-in features. Explore options such as adding product filters, implementing customer reviews, or integrating social media sharing buttons. By extending SuiteCommerce features, you can provide customers with a seamless and enhanced shopping experience.

4.2 Utilizing SuiteScript for Customization: Leverage the power of SuiteScript to customize every aspect of your custom theme. Whether modifying page layouts, creating custom workflows, or implementing unique business logic, SuiteScript allows you to tailor your SuiteCommerce solution exactly to your needs. With its flexibility and extensibility, you can achieve a truly personalized and efficient eCommerce platform for your SMB.

4.1 Extending SuiteCommerce Features

Adding custom features to your SuiteCommerce website can enhance the user experience and make your online store stand out. By leveraging SuiteCommerce’s extensibility, you can easily extend its built-in features to meet your business needs. Whether adding personalized product recommendations or creating a unique checkout process, this DIY guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of extending SuiteCommerce features to create a fully customized online shopping experience for your customers.

4.2 Utilizing SuiteScript for Customization

SuiteScript is a powerful tool that allows you to customize your SuiteCommerce theme and extend its functionality. By utilizing SuiteScript, you can create dynamic web pages, automate business processes, and enhance the user experience on your website. Here are some ways you can leverage SuiteScript for customization:

  • Implement custom logic: Use SuiteScript to write scripts that perform complex calculations or manipulate data based on specific requirements.
  • Create custom forms: Build custom forms using SuiteScript to capture additional customer information or streamline internal processes.
  • Integrate with external systems: Utilize SuiteScript to integrate your SuiteCommerce website with third-party applications or databases for seamless data exchange.
  • Enhance search functionality: Leverage the power of SuiteScript to customize the search experience by adding filters, sorting options, or implementing advanced searching algorithms.

With these capabilities, you can tailor your SuiteCommerce theme according to your unique business needs.

5. Testing and Launching Your Custom Theme

5.1 Testing on Different Devices and Browsers: Before launching your custom SuiteCommerce theme, it is crucial to thoroughly test its compatibility across various devices and browsers. This ensures that your website will provide a seamless user experience for all visitors, regardless of their device or browser.

5.2 Ensuring Responsive Design: One of the key elements in designing a successful custom theme is ensuring that it is responsive. This means your website will automatically adjust its layout and content to fit different screen sizes, providing optimal viewing experiences on desktop computers and mobile devices.

5.3 Deploying Your Custom Theme: Once you have completed testing and fine-tuning your custom SuiteCommerce theme, it’s time to deploy it to your live website. Ensure to follow proper deployment procedures outlined by NetSuite documentation, including creating backups of your current theme files before making any changes.

Note: The above paragraphs assume some knowledge about SuiteCommerce themes and their design principles as well as familiarity with web development concepts such as testing, responsiveness, and deployment procedures, which may be expected from SMB owners who are interested in DIY customization of their SuiteCommerce themes.

5.1 Testing on Different Devices and Browsers

To ensure a seamless user experience, testing your custom SuiteCommerce theme on different devices and browsers is crucial. This step allows you to identify any design inconsistencies or functionality issues that may arise. By conducting comprehensive testing, you can guarantee that your theme will provide optimal performance across various platforms.

Responsive design plays a vital role in enhancing the usability of your custom SuiteCommerce theme. It ensures that your website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, providing an optimal viewing experience for users on both desktop and mobile devices. Incorporating responsive design techniques into your theme will enable it to automatically adjust its layout and content according to the device used, resulting in improved accessibility and user satisfaction.

5.2 Ensuring Responsive Design

To ensure a responsive design for your custom SuiteCommerce theme, focus on creating a flexible layout that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes. Utilize fluid grids and media queries to optimize the user experience across various devices.

Implementing CSS techniques such as mobile-first development and flexible images will enhance the responsiveness of your custom SuiteCommerce theme. By prioritizing smaller screens in your design process, you can create a seamless browsing experience for mobile users while ensuring compatibility with larger devices.

5.3 Deploying Your Custom Theme

To deploy your custom SuiteCommerce theme, follow these steps:

  • Zip the entire folder containing your custom theme files.
  • Log in to your NetSuite account and navigate to Web Site Management > SuiteCommerce Advanced > Themes.
  • Click on the “Upload New Theme” button and select the zipped file of your custom theme.
  • Once the upload is complete, click on the name of your custom theme to activate it.

This simple process lets you easily deploy and activate your customized SuiteCommerce theme. Test it thoroughly on different devices and browsers before making it live for a seamless user experience.

6. Ongoing Maintenance and Updates


6.1 Monitoring Performance and User Experience

  • Analyzing website loading speed: Regularly check the loading speed of your SuiteCommerce theme to ensure optimal performance.
  • Tracking user engagement metrics: Keep an eye on key metrics like bounce rate, time spent on page, and conversion rates to gauge user satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
  • Conducting A/B testing for optimization: Test different variations of your theme to see which design elements or features resonate best with users, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for enhanced user experience.

6.2 Keeping Up with SuiteCommerce Updates

Staying informed about new feature releases is crucial to ensure your SuiteCommerce website is up-to-date and optimized for success. By following SuiteCommerce forums and communities, you can stay ahead of the curve by learning from other developers, sharing insights, and staying updated on industry trends. Additionally, subscribing to official SuiteCommerce newsletters will provide valuable information regarding updates, tips, and best practices directly from the source. Stay in the loop and maximize your website’s potential with these three simple steps.

6.3 Implementing User Feedback

Collecting feedback through surveys or customer support channels is crucial for improving your custom SuiteCommerce theme. By actively seeking user input, you can gain valuable insights into what aspects of the theme work well and which areas need improvement. Prioritizing and categorizing user suggestions allows you to identify common themes and address the most pressing issues. This ensures your updates align with user needs and preferences, creating a more user-friendly and effective theme. Remember to regularly update your theme based on the feedback received, incorporating requested features or making necessary adjustments to enhance the user experience.


Taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we provide modern solutions to businesses that fully utilize the NetSuite ERP, SuiteCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce eCommerce platforms. We always customize our solutions to meet Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Contact us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.