SCG SuiteCommerce Custom Design

You’ve come to the right place if you’re a small to medium-sized business owner looking to create a custom SuiteCommerce theme from scratch. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire process – from familiarizing yourself with SuiteCommerce to designing, developing, testing, and launching your theme. By following these steps and leveraging your expertise and attention to detail, you’ll have a unique and professional-looking website that perfectly represents your brand. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with SuiteCommerce

To develop a SuiteCommerce theme from scratch, it is essential to understand the SuiteCommerce architecture and learn about SuiteScript and SuiteCommerce Advanced. The appearance and design of your website will depend on how well you grasp these concepts. Building a custom theme requires knowledge of CRUD operations to handle data efficiently. By developing expertise in these areas, you can create a unique and visually appealing online store that meets the needs of your SMB business.

Understand the SuiteCommerce Architecture

Understanding the SuiteCommerce Architecture is crucial when developing a SuiteCommerce theme from scratch. In this section, we will cover the key aspects of SuiteCommerce’s architecture that you need to be familiar with.

  • Introduction to SuiteCommerce
  • Understanding the MVC Framework in SuiteCommerce
  • Exploring Modules and Extensions in SuiteCommerce

Learn SuiteScript and SuiteCommerce Advanced

Getting Started with SuiteScript is essential for developing a SuiteCommerce theme from scratch. By mastering this scripting language, you can customize and enhance the appearance and design of your website. Utilizing customization options in NetSuite allows you to build a unique and tailored user experience, creating a seamless journey for your customers. Furthermore, by mastering advanced features of SuiteCommerce, such as CRUD operations, you can develop an efficient and dynamic online store that meets the specific needs of your SMB business.

Step 2: Plan and Design Your Theme

  • Define Your Branding and Style Guide: The first step in creating your own SuiteCommerce theme is to define your branding and style guide. This involves identifying your company’s colors, fonts, logo, and overall visual identity. By establishing these guidelines upfront, you can ensure consistency throughout your website design.
  • Design the Layout and Structure: Once you have defined your branding elements, it’s time to design the layout and structure of your SuiteCommerce theme. Consider how you want to organize the content on each page, including headers, footers, sidebars, and navigation menus. This step requires careful planning to create a user-friendly interface that aligns with your business goals.
  • Create Custom Page Templates: You must create templates to customize your SuiteCommerce theme from scratch. These templates determine the layout of specific pages on your website, such as product pages or category pages. Designing unique templates for different site sections can enhance user experience while maintaining a cohesive look.

Define Your Branding and Style Guide

Establishing your brand identity is crucial when developing a SuiteCommerce theme from scratch. Clearly define your brand’s values, mission, and target audience to ensure consistency throughout your website. Next, choose the right color palette that reflects your brand’s personality and resonates with your target market. This will help create a visually cohesive and memorable experience for visitors. Lastly, select fonts that align with your brand’s image and enhance readability and accessibility for users across different devices.

Creating a SuiteCommerce theme from scratch requires careful attention to detail in defining branding elements like color palettes and fonts. Clear values, mission statements, and targeted customer profiles should establish your brand identity. Select colors that reflect these identities while considering a visual appeal to attract potential customers and ensure an inclusive user experience by selecting readable fonts across various mobile or desktop platforms.

Design the Layout and Structure

SCG SuiteCommerce Layout Design

Determining the overall layout of your website is crucial when developing a SuiteCommerce theme from scratch. Consider the placement of elements, such as headers, content sections, and sidebars, to create an intuitive and visually appealing design.

Creating a clear navigation structure ensures that users can easily navigate your website. Use logical menus and submenus with descriptive labels that align with user expectations. This will enhance the browsing experience and help visitors quickly locate desired information or products.

Organizing content for optimal user experience involves categorizing information into easily digestible sections. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, or numbered lists to break up text-heavy pages. Incorporate visuals like images or videos strategically to enhance understanding and engagement for your SMB customers’ benefit.

Create Custom Page Templates

Identifying key page templates essential for your business is the first step in creating custom templates. By understanding the specific needs of your website, such as a homepage and product page, you can tailor the design to suit each unique layout.

Designing unique layouts for different sections is important to create visually appealing and user-friendly pages. For example, your homepage may require a more attention-grabbing design compared to a product page that focuses on showcasing individual items. Considering each page’s purpose and target audience, you can create engaging designs that enhance user experience.

Incorporating dynamic elements into your templates adds an interactive touch to your website. Whether featuring popular products or displaying personalized recommendations based on user behavior, these dynamic elements keep visitors engaged and increase conversion rates. By seamlessly integrating these features into your custom templates, you can provide a dynamic browsing experience tailored to your customers’ needs.

Step 3: Develop the Theme

  • Craft a unique and visually appealing design: Design is at the heart of every successful SuiteCommerce theme. Take the time to create a visually stunning and user-friendly layout that reflects your brand identity. Consider color schemes, typography, and graphics that align with your business goals.
  • Optimize for mobile responsiveness: In today’s mobile-driven world, ensuring your theme looks great on all devices is crucial. Implement responsive design principles to guarantee seamless browsing experiences for customers accessing your site from smartphones or tablets.

Creating a compelling SuiteCommerce theme requires careful attention to detail and understanding user experience best practices. Invest time refining every design element to create a truly exceptional online store.

Setup SuiteCommerce Development Environment

Install and configure a code editor to begin developing your SuiteCommerce theme from scratch. Choose a code editor that suits your preferences and has features for efficient coding, such as syntax highlighting and auto-completion.

Set up a local development server on your computer to create an environment where you can test and change your SuiteCommerce theme without affecting the live site. Install the necessary software, like Apache or Node.js, depending on your development stack.

Connect to your NetSuite instance by obtaining the required credentials and configuring them in your development environment. This will allow you to interact with NetSuite’s APIs and access data from within your SuiteCommerce theme during development. Make sure to follow best security practices when handling sensitive information.

Following these steps, you’ll have a fully functional SuiteCommerce Development Environment ready to create custom themes tailored to your business needs.

Customize Site Configuration and Settings

Accessing the SuiteCommerce configuration settings allows you to tailor your site attributes and behavior to meet your needs. Modifying these settings allows you to personalize the user experience and optimize functionality. Additionally, integrating with third-party services or plugins expands the capabilities of your SuiteCommerce site, enabling enhanced features and seamless integration with other systems or platforms.

Implement Custom CSS and JavaScript

Create custom CSS files to style your SuiteCommerce theme according to your brand’s aesthetics. Use specific selectors and properties to target different elements on the page, such as fonts, colors, margins, and backgrounds. This will give your theme a unique and personalized look.

Add JavaScript functionality to enhance the user experience of your SuiteCommerce theme. Implement interactive features like sliders, image galleries, dropdown menus, or form validations using JavaScript libraries or custom scripts. This will make your website more dynamic and engaging for visitors.

Ensure responsive design across devices by utilizing media queries in CSS. Test how your theme looks on various screen sizes and adjust the layout for optimal viewing on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. A responsive design ensures that users can easily navigate your website, no matter their device.

Step 4: Test and Debug Your Theme

SCG Custom Design

Test the functionality and appearance of your SuiteCommerce theme on various devices and browsers to ensure optimal user experience. This step will help you identify any compatibility issues that may arise and allow for necessary adjustments to be made. Additionally, thoroughly debug your theme to eliminate any potential errors or glitches hindering its performance. You can ensure seamless operation across various platforms by diligently testing and debugging your theme.

Test the Theme on Different Devices and Browsers

  • Conduct thorough testing to ensure your theme is responsive and compatible with various devices.
  • Check its functionality across mobile devices, tablets, and desktops to ensure a seamless user experience.

Mobile Testing

  • Verify that your theme displays properly on various mobile devices with different screen sizes.
  • Test navigation menus, buttons, forms, and other interactive elements to ensure they are easily accessible.

Tablet Testing

  • Ensure your theme adapts well to tablet screens of varying resolutions.
  • Test touch interactions such as swiping, pinching, and zooming for smooth functionality.

Desktop Testing

  • Test your theme on desktop browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer.
  • Check for layout or design inconsistencies between browsers to deliver a consistent user experience.

Remember that thorough testing across multiple devices and browsers will help you identify any issues or areas for improvement in your SuiteCommerce theme development process.

Debug and Fix Issues

Identifying common bugs is crucial in the process of debugging and fixing issues. By analyzing error messages, reviewing code, and conducting thorough testing, developers can quickly pinpoint and address these bugs before they cause further complications. Additionally, utilizing developer tools such as browser consoles and debuggers provides invaluable insights into the source of issues, allowing for efficient troubleshooting and resolution. Effective troubleshooting techniques like isolating problematic areas, checking dependencies, and seeking community support can greatly expedite the issue resolution process.

Step 5: Deploy and Launch Your Theme

Prepare your theme for deployment by optimizing the code, compressing files, and ensuring compatibility across different devices. Test every aspect of your theme thoroughly to identify potential issues before going live.

Once you’re confident in the performance and functionality of your theme, it’s time to go live. Monitor its performance closely using analytics tools and address any performance or usability issues that arise promptly. Regularly update and maintain your theme to ensure it remains secure and compatible with future updates.

By following these steps, you can deploy and launch a high-quality SuiteCommerce theme that meets the needs of your business while providing an exceptional user experience for your customers.

Prepare Your Theme for Deployment

Test and debug your theme to ensure it functions flawlessly. This includes checking for any errors or issues that may arise during navigation or interaction with the website. Optimize CSS and JavaScript files by minifying them to improve loading time and overall performance. Ensure your theme is responsive across devices, ensuring a seamless user experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

  • Test all features of the theme
  • Debug any errors or issues
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript files
  • Optimize loading time
  • Ensure responsiveness on different devices

Go Live and Monitor Performance

Deploy Your Theme to a Staging Environment:

  • Create a staging environment for testing before going live
  • Ensure all functionalities are working correctly in the staging environment

Perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

  • Invite users to test your theme and provide feedback
  • Address any issues or bugs identified during UAT

Set Up Web Analytics to Track Performance:

  • Implement web analytics tools like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics
  • Monitor key performance indicators such as page load times, bounce rates, and conversions


Taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we provide modern solutions to businesses that fully utilize the NetSuite ERP, SuiteCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce eCommerce platforms. We always customize our solutions to meet Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Contact us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.