SCG SuiteCommerce Development

SuiteCommerce is Oracle NetSuite’s response to the ever-evolving demands of modern eCommerce. More than just a platform, SuiteCommerce offers businesses a unified solution, integrating e-commerce functions with point of sale, order management, and other critical retail functionalities. As the online marketplace becomes increasingly competitive, the efficacy of your SuiteCommerce development becomes paramount. Adopting best practices ensures smoother operations, enhances user experience, and boosts your brand’s digital presence.

2. Understanding the SuiteCommerce Architecture

SuiteCommerce is designed on an MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture – a design paradigm that separates the application into three interconnected components:

  • Model: Represents the application’s data structures and business logic. In SuiteCommerce, this would relate to the information structure, like customer data, product listings, and order histories.
  • View: Refers to everything the user experiences visually on the webpage – from layouts and design to forms and buttons. In the context of SuiteCommerce, the view determines how your products are displayed, the design of your cart page, and every other visual element.
  • Controller: Acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View. It takes user input from the View, processes it (with potential updates to the Model), and returns the display output in the View. For SuiteCommerce, this can be considered the behind-the-scenes manager ensuring seamless interaction between the user and the platform.

Integral to SuiteCommerce’s functionality is SuiteScript – NetSuite’s JavaScript-based API. SuiteScript allows developers to customize and automate standard NetSuite business processes, ensuring that SuiteCommerce can be tailored to fit unique business needs.

3. Best Practices for Development

a. Development Environment Setup

Before diving into the development, it’s essential to set up an effective and safe development environment:

  • Sandbox Environment: Always develop in a sandbox environment separate from your live site. This allows for testing and modifications without risking disruptions to your live e-commerce operations.
  • Version Control: Implement a robust version control system (like Git). This not only tracks and manages changes to the project but also facilitates collaboration among developers. Every change, no matter how minor, should be logged.
  • Continuous Integration (CI): Adopt a CI approach where your code is continuously integrated into a shared repository. This ensures that issues are detected early, and developers can collaborate more efficiently without overwriting each other’s contributions.

4. Engaging with the SuiteCommerce Community

Being a part of a larger community provides insights, resources, and invaluable support:

  • Stay Updated: Actively participate in SuiteCommerce forums, webinars, and workshops. These platforms often discuss the latest updates, bug fixes, and emerging best practices.
  • Collaborate: Leveraging the SuiteCommerce community can lead to collaborations, partnerships, or hiring opportunities. It’s a hub of professionals with a common platform and often similar challenges.
  • Feedback and Peer Reviews: Before implementing major changes or adopting a new feature, seeking feedback from the community can provide different perspectives and save potential future troubleshooting.

5. Thorough Testing and Quality Assurance

Ensuring the flawless functioning of your eCommerce platform is crucial:

  • Unit Testing SuiteScript Functions: Conduct unit tests to ensure individual components operate as intended before deploying any new functionality or changes.
  • Cross-Browser Testing: Ensure compatibility across multiple browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, to ensure a consistent shopping experience for every user.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Feedback Loops: Before any major deployment, involve a group of users to test the platform’s functionalities. Their feedback can highlight any user experience issues that developers might overlook.

6. Regular Maintenance and Updates

SCG SuiteCommerce Development

A proactive approach to maintenance keeps your platform running smoothly:

  • Stay Updated with SuiteCommerce Versions: Regularly check for updates from NetSuite and apply them. These updates often include important feature enhancements and security patches.
  • Review Custom Code: Periodically revisit and review any custom code. As SuiteCommerce evolves, more efficient or secure ways to achieve the same functionalities may be achieved.
  • Scheduled Backups and Disaster Recovery Planning: Data loss can be catastrophic in e-commerce. Regularly back up your data and have a clear disaster recovery plan.


Taking Your Business to the next step can only become a reality if you have the expertise to deliver outstanding solutions. At Seibert Consulting Group, we provide modern solutions to businesses that fully utilize the NetSuite ERP, SuiteCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce eCommerce platforms. We always customize our solutions to meet Your Business’ requirements and goals. Let’s start talking about your project and find out how we can help Your Business grow. Contact us via our chatbot or email at and via our direct line at 760-205-5440.