Shopify Retail

Today, over 820 000 merchants host their online stores on Shopify. Right now, it is the number one most used eCommerce hosting in North America. As an eCommerce technology provider, Shopify is the third-largest in the US after Amazon and eBay. Eighty percent of Shopify store merchants run their online business over their phones; mind you, the total number of Shopify app installs is about 25.8 million.

A study discovered that 52% of Shopify merchants were female, with males representing 47% of Shopify merchants. On Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2020, Shopify generated a whopping $2.5 million-plus in sales per minute. As of 2021, the company has been experiencing more than 36% year-on-year growth in annual revenue. 

But is this all that you need to know before purchasing a Shopify website for your retail business? No, there is more to discover, as discussed in the upcoming sections:

1. Huge Brands Prefer Shopify

Big and respectable brands like Nestlé, Red Bull, and Tesla use Shopify. Therefore, it benefits your business to be on the Shopify platform. In this way, your brand joins big brand names like Jimmy Vaughan and Lollapalooza, who sell their merchandise on this platform. The advantage of being associated with these big enterprises is the traffic and legitimacy they bring to your company’s brand.

2. You Do Not Need to Spend on Hardware or Servers

Many times you could feel discouraged by the need to pay for servers. Well, that should be the least of your worries right now because Shopify handles server maintenance. Besides, you get the chance to choose a payment plan that works for you. No need to worry; Shopify goes for free for your first 14 days hence allowing you to put up your store, then choose the perfect plan later—this should cost you $29 to $299 each month.

3. You Have Access to Discounts on Annual Plans

Not many companies prefer monthly payment models. Therefore, Shopify ensures that you get a biennial or annual plan. As a result, you will get 20% and 10% discounts for these two plans, respectively. That sounds good for your business, right?

4. Shopify Has Exciting App Configurations with SaaS Services

Shopify app store billing is a standard feature offered to Shopify merchants for Shopify technology service companies and Shopify app providers, considering Shopify clients are used to the monthly premiums. This is one reason why you will come across many new and innovative products in the Shopify app store before they show up elsewhere. Many Shopify apps offer excellent but free trial plan options.

On the flipside, SaaS technology companies are slower to consider eCommerce platforms such as Magento, OpenCart and WooCommerce. Why? Because these other platforms do not allow for monthly subscription fees. Therefore, you will find that most of the services your business needs are not configured on these platforms.

The app integrations are impressive as they will save you time and money. They can be easily tweaked to align with your business needs or models and will generate better insights about your web store and limit errors.

5. The Platform is Secure and Reliable

Shopify is hosted globally; hence the company has in place experts who monitor the network 24/7 for threats and mitigating any security issues before they arise. Shopify also comes with a set of add-ons in compliance with particular standards that keep Your Business from viruses and attacks.

Moreover, Shopify provides options of using SSL certificates or becoming PCI compliant so that you can accept credit cards and keep sensitive information without a technical understanding of how these security options work. Note that, all security and reliability options will not be accessed for the same price. Some companies would ask for more. 


Shopify is a solution to many challenges which businesses experience. Considering the array of benefits Shopify offers, Your Business truly needs Shopify. Let’s talk at or 760-205-5251.