
The COVID 19 pandemic has had an immensely adverse effect on retail store businesses. Things are even worse in case Your Business does not have an online presence. You may assume that customers were not able to reach your store, but that’s not all. The customers also did not see any other option for buying from your store while stuck in their homes. Well, this has been a massive revelation, mainly if you were reluctant to make sales anywhere else.

There is good news though! Your Business can still find success and grow revenues by leveraging the opportunities the digital marketplace brings forth. But how?

First, you need to have an eCommerce website and make sure that your site is visible and accessible to the customers on the Google search engine. Before we state anything else, note that this point is very crucial in your success. Besides, you do not have to merely rely on foot traffic to your store but rather traffic to your site. Being online will mean that you have the chance to expand your reach as you wish. Well, who doesn’t want to sell their goods to someone in a different town? It does feel great!

So how do you make all this possible? You surely need to have your online store hosted on a platform like Shopify. To be more precise, Shopify is the ideal platform to select for faster and effective transformations to the digital market.

Shopify is the ideal eCommerce platform for your business for a number of reasons. Here are some of them:

  1. Shopify is a big name already. In 2020  alone, the company posted a $121 billion profit, a 47% increase from the previous financial year. As of today, the platform powers over 2,000,000+ stores for merchants in a wide range of industries. This means the company is here to stay, and it’s still ripe for your business to take advantage of the Shopify platform to get Your Business online.
  2. Setting up Shopify is simple. You can have your online eCommerce structure in place in a few hours and start loading products right away. Therefore, you can get your retail enterprise online a few hours from now if you want to do that.
  3. You have multiple shipping options available for you. Options range from product weight, item count to geographical zones. With Shopify, your business will save a lot on shipping costs 
  4. You can connect Shopify with email marketing solutions with ease. It becomes easy to create an email list to communicate with your ideal customers and promote products to those who haven’t bought anything from your store.
  5. You have access to inventory, on a single source of truth system, for sales occurring either in-store or online. This means that you can publish an “out of stock” notice on the store or continue to sell as you continue to refill stock.
  6. An insightful dashboard. With a single look at your Shopify dashboard, you can know the performance of your store. Moreover, you can understand where you are getting traffic from and the time customers spend on your site. Furthermore, which of your products are doing well in the market and which ones are not.
  7. Access to a range of widgets to improve the capability of your store. If you want to add a chat button or have a currency calculator, it is there in the Shopify app store. You will not lack the free options to start.
  8. Shopify is good for the growth of your business. There is no waste to use Shopify. You can start small without much and grow your online store to the next level. It will be cheap for you to start. The platform also is inexpensive to integrate the desired Shopify apps and is quite resourceful.
  9. Shopify works well on mobile devices. Customers can access your store on the phone. On the other side, you can manage the store with your phone. The platform makes it easy for people to trust you with their money, and the Shopify platform’s default sound effects, like that of a cash register ringing, will bring a smile to your face on a perfect day. 
  10. Shopify makes it easy to secure your platform. Here, a team member cannot access credit card information when filling orders because you can control staff’s access to that information hence protecting your customers.
  11. Store development made easy with Shopify themes. You do not have to sit down and develop a picture of how you want your online storefront to appear. Whether you have many or a few products, Shopify has just a suitable theme for you. All you need is to tweak it a little for branding purposes or any other preferences.
  12. You can connect your store directly to Facebook. You can take advantage of Facebook’s reach and improve your conversion and manage your inventory correctly. 

Shopify is truly the definition of online eCommerce success. There are no limits to what you can do on your online store with a platform like Shopify. Nevertheless, if you aren’t ready to set up the store yourself, we’re prepared at Seibert Consulting Group to offer the required assistance. We are veterans in Shopify and we know how to take Your Business to the next level. Let’s talk now at or 760-205-5251