
Shopify is changing the lives of eCommerce-interested entrepreneurs. Its latest version, Shopify Plus continues to offer next-level eCommerce experience since its introduction in 2014. Noteworthy, most of today’s online businesses rely on optimizing their pages for search engines. In other words, companies rely on implementing SEO tactics to improve their ranking on Google search results. If you’re in the eCommerce industry, the following few sections are ideal for you because they explain why Shopify Plus is the perfect platform for eCommerce SEO.

1. Shopify Plus is Packed with Apps and Plugins

Shopify Plus is SEO dedicated hence an excellent choice for you to enhance SEO for your enterprise. This platform, Shopify Plus comes with plugins focused on SEO, such as SEO image optimizer, SEO Doctor, and Smart SEO. In addition, plugins bring an extra boost to your site and operate more powerfully without an expert programmer’s input. 

2. Applies Many Sales Channels to Build Your Brand

Shopify Plus is unique for one feature; It offers Your Business multiple sales channels, making it possible for use by most digital shopping brands. The platform allows you to launch various sales channels across various marketplaces, mobile and social media. This multi-channel approach enables you to boost the SEO of your brand and website. Here are examples of how to do it using social and mobile sales channels:  

  • Social Sales Channel: If your brand is based on a social media foundation, Shopify Plus allows you to continue building that brand over its platform. The platform enables you to use as many social platforms as you desire, provided that you have an excellent social media strategy. Moreover, you get to track the growth of each of these items over Shopify. The concept of social sales channels is simple—the more people link with your social sales channel on Shopify Plus, the more your brand becomes visible.
  • Mobile Sales Channel: Increasing the content you share with your shoppers boosts your mobile SEO by applying Shopify Plus when looking into your mobile sales channel. A simple trick includes editing and adding more recent mobile product descriptions for easier and faster reading by your mobile readers. Using multiple channels of sales grows your outreach and makes your products visible to most people. A few tweaks and a fantastic strategy bring in great results. In no time, you start realizing the benefits of SEO.

3. Shopify is Excellent for Traffic Growth

Shopify found out that eCommerce businesses that used the Plus platform posted an average growth rate of 126% annually based on the users’ survey.  This performance is an excellent indication that you have to use Shopify Plus to increase traffic on your site. To use the Plus platform, you need to be a mass-market retailer with lots of focus on your consumer and affordable products.

4. Generate Great Content

A study by shows that one of every ten blog posts are written compounds. In other words, traffic for that post always increases from organic search. Therefore, if you shift your strategy from news-focused articles to evergreen content, you will improve your search engine ranking. This is because the content will always remain relevant and essential to your consumers when they search for a product on your web store.

Therefore, have a content marketing strategy and determine the volume and budget of evergreen content you could create. This approach will pay off to your SEO targets. Some of the evergreen content generating ideas that can improve SEO for your site are as follows: 

  • Beginner guides: These copies deliver simplified information for new users who have less understanding of a complex product. At the end of the guide, the reader should have a more fundamental knowledge of the product. 
  • Checklists: Here, let’s say you are selling cleaning equipment; you can develop a list of tools every cleaning company must have to operate more resourcefully.  
  • Cheat Sheets: An example is where your platform sells sleep-related items such as pillows. A cheat sheet will tell the customer how they can use your sleep-related products to improve their sleeping habits. 
  • Infographics: Human beings connect a lot with imagery than with reading. Combining these two elements makes your content more enjoyable, savable, and shareable by site visitors.
  • Ultimate Guides: These are more detailed guides and tend to tell the interested buyer how a product works or operates. 

5. Shopify Plus Allows You to Use Meta and Product Descriptions  

It is not easy to grab shoppers’ attention. People are tired of the many ads, messages, and calls to interact with each day. You need your site to stand out? Learn how to create meta and product descriptions that work for your eCommerce site. 

One thing you need to know is that search engines collect meta titles. Hence, it would be best if you got it right on your first time. Note that, the meta description is read. If you nail the title, then do the same with the meta description; you will get most of your readers to click through your site’s link and see what you have for them.

What most websites will do is to ensure that the site targets a set of demographics. Look at this example:

Moon top ice cream is low in calories, high in protein, and minor in sugar.

The items low in calories, high in protein, and low in sugar in the meta description target three demographics: a dieter, someone with a desire for protein, and someone interested in a lesser sugar intake. This kind of approach works behind the scenes for the brand because three people have been targeting the potential that all of them could end up purchasing the product. 

So what does Shopify Plus contribute to all these? Shopify Plus ensures that your product descriptions have an ideal length; therefore, approach meta descriptions as you would to meta titles. You can use Shopify Plus to make things work for your eCommerce platform such that your site has the meta titles and descriptions that will appeal to targeted shoppers. 

6. Shopify Plus Allows You to Fit Images Correctly

It is the goal of every eCommerce store to load faster and evade losing customers. Images are one reason your site could load slowly, especially when they are large. Luckily Shopify Plus is there to solve this problem for you. You do not have to get rid of or reduce the large images because Shopify has the strength to handle traffic and those images without loading slowly.

An example of a website that has managed to operate seamlessly is one owned by Kylie Jenner, Kylie Cosmetics. If you look at her site’s homepage, you may think it is in publish mode, where everything appears large. However, that’s not the case. The images used are significant. Coincidentally, Kylie uses Shopify Plus, and the site loads frequently.

Note that a beauty eCommerce thrives on high-quality images, but its speed must not be compromised. Shopify Plus optimizes image sizes to meet the needs of your customers while maintaining a fantastic load speed. The case is different for grocery and mass-market eCommerce websites because you can use smaller images, and it will still be ok for your customers. 

7. Shopify Plus Allows You to Link with Analytics Tools Like Google Analytics

Growing traffic and conversion using SEO requires an understanding of the sort of traffic you attract. Every visitor to your eCommerce platform possesses a particular set of requirements and needs. Google Analytics gives a clear picture of those needs and what you can do to make site visits convert into actual sales.

8. Plus Platform Ascertains that your URLs Match your Brand

It cannot be delightful to see a product online with mismatched URLs. The upside of Shopify Plus is that it assigns your website relevant information. But, you have to come up with a more detailed URL ending for each product you sell. A clearer URL translates to good SEO.

9. You Can Use Your sitemap

Submitting a Sitemap to Google via Shopify makes your site visible to more people considering Google will crawl your site and understand your website’s pages. Shopify makes it easy to create a sitemap without starting at zero because the Plus platform creates one for you when you start using the platform. 

10. You Are Allowed to Add Structured Data.   

Structured eCommerce data refers to items such as SKU number (stock-keeping unit), currency, reviews, product description, and price. It is essential to include this information on your site because it gives your eCommerce site some depth and color.

Also, you could add product review apps on Shopify and link them with your site. An example is how Amazon created a formidable eCommerce empire by taking advantage of verified buyers’ reviews. With Shopify Plus the process of adding structured data and product review is easy.

Ecommerce SEO Checklist for Shopify Plus  

Several things can make your eCommerce SEO green. Those items are as follows:

  • Make your site mobile-friendly: Organize your web content in a way that makes navigation easy. To make this more perfect, test your site on your mobile phone and other devices after tweaking it.
  • Make image file names descriptive: Google crawls your site; hence, you want it to understand your images as a human would do. Therefore, avoid calling your image ‘pic’ or ‘image.’ Making the filename more descriptive helps a lot with SEO because Google comprehends what the image is about.
  • Check for and avoid duplicate content: There is something about SEO that can damage your site; repetitive content. Therefore, ensure to double-check your site for repetition.
  • Add an FAQ section: This section helps fill the information gaps the customer may need to access on your site. In the FAQ content, naturally, chip in keywords and content that allows your customers to decide.
  • Submit your sitemap to every search engine: Above, you learn how a sitemap tells search engines about your site’s pages. Submitting a sitemap to every search engine means that every search engine understands your site and has indexed it and put it in front of more people to see it.
  • Test load time of your site: You need a fast-loading site to keep visitors on the platform. Testing tells you how good or bad the speed is and allows you to try relevant tricks to improve your site’s speed.
  • Limit the H1 tags you use: Always keep heading one tag at a minimum of once. 
  • Take your time on meta content: Meta content makes you rank on Google and boost click-through by targeted buyers and site visitors.

The advantages and the tricks of using the Shopify Plus platform are endless. As far as it is the best platform to boost your eCommerce business, you need to have a clear picture of how it works. For inquiries on Shopify Plus, we are always available to listen and advise you accordingly. Contact us now at or 706-205-5251.